Page 6 of Tempting Klaus
His upper body is toned and covered in random tattoos. His arms are thick and they seem like the kind of arms that would lift me effortlessly.
I nod.
“I hope you don’t mind that I am drinking your wine,” I rub my lips together and slyly try and reach for my glass without exposing my hard nipples.
“Not at all, you enjoy it,” he winks at me and my cheeks flush.
“I can go back up to bed… I don’t want to encroach on your evening.”
“Little one,” he rasps, stepping that little bit closer and all I can do is lift my glass to my lips and drink until I’ve drained it. “Stay down here, you’re not encroaching at all,” his tongue darts out and runs over his bottom lip as his eyes fall to my heaving chest.
I have no idea what is happening. I’ve always found Klaus hot… but this? This feels like so much more and I know it’s because of the wine.
He is just being kind.
He feels sorry for me. Bad for me that his son settled on me.
I break the eye contact; suddenly, it’s too intimate. I busy myself by pouring the last of the wine into my glass and taking a huge mouthful.
“Want to talk about it?” Klaus surprises me by asking the heavy question to the topic that is laying weighted on my shoulders. I scoff a soft laugh but I keep my eyes down so Klaus can’t see the tears that are threatening to fall.
“What’s to talk about?” I mutter, “For some reason, your son doesn’t want me. I do everything he asks; I gave up work, I married him like agreed and yet…” I suck in a breath and ignore the fact that my heart is jackhammering against my chest.
“Yet?” Klaus asks, hanging on my every word and I can feel his hooded eyes on me. I press my thighs together to try and dull the ache that is presenting itself between my legs.
“It’s like he can’t stand me… like he doesn’t want to be near me… we… I…” I stammer over my words and I ignore the bitter taste in my mouth.
“Belle, I am sure that’s not the case. My son loves you,” Klaus counters back and I snort a laugh.
“I don’t believe that,” sadness consumes me and I take another mouthful of my wine, my tastebuds completely numb to the taste.
Klaus brushes past me and reaches for a crystal tumbler before grabbing the matching decanter off the side and filling his glass with whiskey.
“And why is that?”
Klaus’ burning question eats at me.
I contemplate answering but with the alcohol flowing through my veins, it makes me brazen.
“We got married a year ago yet he hasn’t touched me… not even once. I’m still a virgin for Christ’s sake,” I burst into hysteria, my eyes streaming with tears as the harsh, cold reality smacks me in the face.
“What?” Klaus roars and suddenly, I wish I had never opened my mouth.
I watch as Klaus paces.Back and forth. Forth and back. His hand cupped to his chin, the other gripping tightly onto his empty crystal glass.
“You’re a virgin?” he hisses the words out, looking over his shoulder as if the words he just said are dirty.
I nod.
“And my son hasn’t eventried.”
I don’t know why, but I’m sensing Klaus is angry with Stan.
Not me.
And I have no fucking idea why the words keep coming out of my mouth like verbal diarrhoea, but they do.