Page 33 of The Awakened Prince
She had to tell him. She had to tell him soon, and then never see him again.
Raela couldn’t fathom the idea of him returning to their meadow to see his hope crushed later. Like any splinter it was best to fix it as quickly as possible. Mother Bear sauntered up beside her and placed her head under Raela’s hand.
I’m sorry, little one, she crooned into Raela’s mind.We thought it was best. But you look…She shook her head.I’m so sorry. If I could do it again…
Raela threaded her fingers through the bear’s fur, only slightly comforted. But she had no more words to offer just then. Her next words must be for Killian. Must be to break them apart and break her heart. Unless they could just run away forever.
Unless they could run. The idea blossomed in her mind.
As they arrived home, her aunties muttered about preparations as they bustled around, pulling out a lovely dress unlike anything she had ever seen before, and began lighting candles. But all the while, Raela was planning how she could sneak out and find him. She needed to know what he thought they should do. She knew her duty to keep her aunties’ promises, but what of her promise to Killian?
His lips were buzzing and his heart pounding in his chest as he floated through the gate on light steps. She would meet him again, and they would be together.
You are prancing.Jax grimaced as he paced beside Killian.What are you, a puppy?
Killian laughed. “Perhaps so. She is just amazing.”
Jax weaved his head side to side.She is. But aren’t you a bit … reckless?
“No. I have never wanted something or someone so much. And my wedding is set for tomorrow, so no time like the present.”
With a growling huff, Jax muttered.Your father will never agree.
But Killian was indifferent to his friend’s negativity. Who was the wolf to understand matters of the human heart, anyway? His father would see his joy and acknowledge his true affection for Raela. The king, who had married the love of his life, would recognize the same love in Killian’s own chest. He left Jax outside as he burst into his father’s office.
“Father, I need to talk with you—” Killian stopped short. The king stood embracing King Jonat of Walworth, Queen Marisha at his side. Killian searched the room for the missing princess, but no one else was in the room.
The king’s frown at the interruption changed as he waved Killian over. “Come, my son, they have arrived! Finally!” He turned back to the other king. “Jon, I’m so glad to have you here. The feast preparation is well on its way!”
The neighboring king was tall and thin with golden-blond hair, a skin tone as pale as snow, and blue eyes. The queen was also taller than average but had hair so blonde it was almost white and blue-green eyes. The neighboring king smiled widely at Killian. “Prince Killian! My, how you’ve grown. I’m sure your father is so proud of you and your many accomplishments.”
Killian swallowed hard, sending a swift glance to his father and back. So this is what it was like to be supported by a father figure. He shook off the thought. He needed to undo this whole betrothal, regardless of the king’s kindness. “Thank you, sir. I hope your journey was easy. I am sorry, but I need … I must discuss something with my father.”
“Of course,” the neighboring king said as he reached for his wife’s hand.
“Of coursenot.” His father glowered at him. “Whatever you need to say can either wait or be said here.”
Killian’s cheeks pricked either from flush or from pallor. His heart pounded out of his chest, and he took a firm stance, his hands clasped behind his back to hide their shaking. He cleared his throat. “It is uncomfortable to say, and I really would prefer to speak with you alone, Father.”
“Speak, Killian. Or leave.”
“First a question.” Killian looked around the room again, but indeed, there was no one else. “The princess?”
King Jonat just smiled, though his face was lined with worry. “Princess Raina will arrive late tonight.”
Closing his eyes, he clenched his jaw and spoke, holding an image of Raela in his mind for courage. His eyes flashed open. “I am sorry to both of you for coming this long way, but Your Highnesses, Father, I cannot marry the princess.”
“WHAT?” His father bellowed as the group all seemed to simultaneously take a step backward.
“I have found someone I love. And I am going to marry her,” Killian said.
Queen Marisha grasped her husband’s arm, her rosebud lips open in shock. “How can this be? Our countries must unite. It’s what your mother wanted. It’s what she asked of me! I promised her, Prince Killian.” She fisted her hand, twisting onto her husband’s sleeve, who stood frozen with a horrified frown.
“I am sorry,” Killian said with a bow. “Truly.”
The king—his father stalked toward him. “Nonsense, boy. Absolute nonsense. You will be here tomorrow for your wedding ceremony to the princess, or you will not inherit my kingdom! You will no longer be the heir!”