Page 34 of The Awakened Prince
The words hit like a blow, but they didn’t land as hard as the king’s previous threats. Killian blinked several times before his mind cleared. “Well, maybe I don’t want to be king.”
“This isn’t about what you want! This is about the kingdom. This is about promises.”
“This is about love, Father. I love her. Just as you loved Moth—”
His father’s face was inches away, dripping sweat down his red cheeks. “You only love yourself, boy. You love your comfort and your ease. Once again, you are running away. You always run away from your responsibilities.”
“You should never make promises on behalf of another person!” Killian yelled back. “I was a toddler, and you gave away my whole future for your treaty.”
“Your future is to be king.”
“My future is with her. With Raela. And I will not go back on the promise I made to her.” Killian moved toward the door. “You don’t even think I’ll be a good king. Don’t pretend. You’re acting to manipulate me in exchange for an extension to your own reign.”
He placed his hand on the door handle before turning to bow low before the other sovereigns. “Again, I am sorry to you. I hope the princess is reunited with you shortly and that you all live happy lives.” He turned a hot glare to his father. “Goodbye.”
“Don’t you shut that—”
And Killian shut the door on his father. On his wrath. On his control.
Panting, he flew down the stone corridor, wondering how his escape from the castle could be so much longer than his way into the office in the first place.
His father was a fool. He was forcing a round peg into a square hole. And Killian was tired of the battery of tests that his father gave him, tired of constantly disappointing him, tired of failing despite his best efforts. He wanted to be a man that Raela could be proud of, regardless of his station. Of course he had wanted to be king—and he had prepared for that eventuality—but he wanted Raela more.
Turning the corner, he ran almost directly into Phineas who pulled short just in time. Phineas looked exhausted, like he had just arrived home.
The men regarded each other before Killian nodded. “You will be a better king. I am confident that my father will choose you, and you will do brilliantly,” he said before sweeping past him down the steps.
Phineas reared back and followed at his heels. “What are you talking about?”
“I fell in love with her, Phin. The woman in the forest. I informed my father just now, and I am no longer the heir. He has finally disowned me. But I’m sure he will choose another—you. You were right all along.” Killian half-smiled. “Apparently, I needed a chaperone.”
Phineas stopped and stood gaping at him. Killian paused and put his left hand on his friend’s right shoulder. “I’m sorry, Phin. I really am. I was an idiot and didn’t see your advice for the valuable help that it was. I should have never iced you out as I did. You’ve always been the best of friends and my brother. For everything I said and did, I was wrong. Please forgive me.”
Phineas reached his left hand forward and onto Killian’s right shoulder, the soldiers’ greeting, before nodding once.
Killian had more to say, but time was passing, and his father would soon send guards after him. He could almost hear his father’s bellowing from here. Before Phineas could speak, Killian turned and ran away toward the garden.
Phineas stood behind him, frozen in thought before Killian heard him trying to catch up. “Killian, just wait a second.”
He picked up the pace as he exited onto the lawn, focused solely on finding Raela. His gaze fixed beyond the trees and toward the gate. It didn’t matter that he was early. He was no longer prince, and he was no longer interested in keeping her a secret. He’d go to her now, bring her out of the forest, and even if they lived as paupers, he would be happy if he was with her.
Something clung to his hand, pulling him to a sudden stop. He looked up with a start to see Lady Zalina holding him, her cheeks flushed with the exertion of catching up to him.
“Killian, my love. What are you doing?”
He pulled her hand away as he tried to extricate himself. “I’m leaving, Zalina. I’m not marrying the princess. The betrothal is off.”
“Then, Killian, marry me! Choose me instead! You need a noble to lead with you! We could rule the nation together!” She flung herself against his chest, her hands wrapped tightly around his neck. “I love you. I always have. I want to be your bride.” And with impossible strength, she wrenched his head down toward her and kissed him on the lips.
Killian pulled back, horrified. Bracing his hands on her waist, he pushed away. “No, Zalina. I don’t love you.”
But Lady Zalina was no longer looking at Killian. Her eyes flashed to the edge of the wood, and a dark shadow fell over her blue eyes, blackening them like ink in water. Her lips curled into a dangerous grin, one that he had seen Jax wear a hundred times before he pounced on his next meal.
“For eighteen years I have waited.” She hissed in a dark whisper. “I have found you at last.”
As Killian followed her gaze, his heart filled with ice. There, standing outside the gate staring at them, was a light-haired woman in a stunning, iridescent blue dress. He would recognize her anywhere. Raela.
The kiss. He realized the truth with a jolt of dread.