Page 38 of Orc's Craving
“You could return to the village if you wanted,” I said.
“I don’t want to.” Eleri’s chin lifted. “I’m happy here with Odik. There’s no place I’d rather be.”
I placed my hand on Jaus’s arm to tug him forward to join us.
Looking a bit embarrassed, though I wasn’t sure why, he grunted and returned his mace to its sheath.
Did he think Eleri was attacking me?
I wasn’t sure what I thought about this grumbly, grouchy orc who seemed determined to thrust himself between me and any threat, let alone a guy who appeared to calm at my touch. For someone who stated he didn’t like me, it was a surprise to see him behave in this manner.
Although, he hadn’t said hedidn’tlike me. He’d been evasive, stating emotions took time. I understood that. Although, in my case, it wasn’t taking much time for me to long for him. And no, it wasn’t just sexual. The longing had begun before he licked me.
I worried I was succumbing like all the other women caught in the hunt, that I was falling in love with my new husband despite my determination to hold myself back.
“Rhoslyn, when did you arrive in the city?” Eleri exclaimed, holding my forearms and looking me up and down. A true smile filled her face now. She must be relieved to hear everyone knew she hadn’t killed Zur. “Actually, I should know the answer to that already. A few days ago, since the Hunt was just held.” She studied Jaus, fingering her deep red hair she’d pulled up in the back but left a few tendrils dangling near her face. Her brown eyes sparkled with excitement. “You’ve mated with the commander, I see.”
I wasn’t sure we were mated yet, but he’d called me his fated one. He’d said those chosen by clan pendants often fell in love.
I didn’t want his love, did I? Maybe . . .
Argh. I didn’t want to think about that at all. I’d take the pleasure he offered and call it good enough.
Her hands dropped to her big belly, and from the sharp look in the eyes of the brawny orc who’d followed her to the front of the store, I suspected she’d soon deliver his orcling.
Odik nodded to Jaus. Eleri’s mate was the same height and build as Jaus, though his eyes were a startling gold, not the dark brownish-gold I found so appealing in Jaus. He also bristled with weapons, and his pendant was different than Jaus’s, a circular disc made up of swirls that must represent air. In his case, a thick stick tightly gripped in his hand, plus a long blade strapped to a sheath on his back.
“This is my mate, Odik.” Eleri leaned back against his chest and grinned up at him. “You’re going to love it here, as much as you’ll love Jaus.”
I was determined not to do that, but I didn’t say a word. Jaus watched me intently, though I couldn’t tell what he was thinking.
“Thus far, it’s been quite an interesting experience,” I said, a neutral answer.
Eleri’s smile fell. “Did you arrive while the dresalods were attacking?”
I nodded. “They’re terrifying.”
“Our males will protect us with their lives.” She stroked Odik’s hand resting on her belly.
“When is your orcling due?” I asked.
“Soon.” Her smile bloomed again. “This will be our second. We have one son, Zur, named for the man who was like a father to me, and we both hope for a girl child this time, though we’ll be happy with another boy.”
“Congratulations.” Seeing her happy eased my concern somewhat. I still had to reconcile what I might have in the future with Jaus besides amazing bed action. But if the city welcomed me like it appeared they had Eleri, it would be a nice start. I’d miss my sister, but knowing she would be with her love would make it easier for me to build a new life here. At least I no longer needed to worry about Eamon trying to bed me.
Eleri studied my clothing, and I recalled she’d done exquisite embroidery when she lived in the village. “I see you’re wearing the latest hunt-wear.”
My laugh snorted out. “You’re insulting my seamstress skills.”
Her smile widened. “If I remember correctly, you trained with your mother and were already a rather skilled healer yourself. I don’t believe I remember you sewing much, however.”
“You’ve caught me.” I chuckled.
“I need a complete wardrobe for my mate,” Jaus said, his arm going around my back as if he was pleased to be standing by my side. “Everyone speaks highly of your skills with clothing.”
His gesture pleased me until I realized he was probably pretending so Eleri wouldn’t worry. She was happy with Odik, and she’d be sad to think me and Jaus weren’t getting along as well.
He’d asked for time, and he was right to make the request. Caring for another didn’t happen overnight, no matter how much a male excited me between the blankets.