Page 39 of Orc's Craving
As I looked up at him, I noted how intently he watched me. There were no threats here for him to vanquish. Perhaps he was gazing at me with the beginnings of caring. He could be happy he was with me.
I’d cling to that for now.
“Let me see what I have.” Eleri scanned my front. “I believe I have a few items in your size. I cater to both orcs and humans, though there aren’t as many of us here, obviously.” Taking my hand, she wove through the shop full of mostly male clothing appropriate for an orc, leading me to a long rack in the back holding gowns, skirts, and adorable blouses. “I have nightgowns and underthings available as well.”
“We won’t need those,” Jaus growled.
Eleri hid her smile behind her hand, winking at me. She leaned close, lowering her voice for my ears alone. “Is he always this grouchy?”
“So far.”
“You’ll sweeten him up. He’s a nice enough male. I’ve met up with him in the past, and he was always pleasant.”
I was waiting forpleasantto enter our home, though I had my doubts it would ever happen. Although, he already made more effort to please me than he had when we first met.
He bought butter when he said he didn’t need it. I hadn’t missed him adding honey to his order after I’d lifted the container and reluctantly placed it back.
There may be hope for us yet.
Eleri’s voice dropped even lower. “If it helps, know that Odik and I are as happy today as we were not long after we first met during the hunt. It will be that way for you too.”
“How can you know this?” I peered over my shoulder, finding Jaus and Odik standing close to the front of the shop, staring out the window, talking quietly.
“His pendant flared for you, didn’t it?”
I nodded.
She nudged my side. “Then the sex will be amazing, and he’ll soon be doing all he can to please you. Before you know it, you’ll have an orcling on the way.”
“I’m not sure I want children. After raising my sister, I thought my time had passed me by.”
She frowned and lifted a skirt off the rack, holding it up against me before clicking her tongue and putting it back. “How old are you?”
“Very young.”
“I don’t feel young.”
“Young enough to please Jaus.” She flicked her eyes that way. “He watches you all the time, even now when he speaks with Odik.”
A glance over my shoulder confirmed her statement. For whatever reason, my face heated. “I doubt I please him. He’s probably worried I’ll try to flee, that he must watch me to keep it from happening.”
She lifted one eyebrow and pursed her lips. “Will you?”
“If you’d asked me that when I arrived, yes. Now . . .”
“Ah, I well understand.” Her arm went around my waist, and she gave me a quick hug. “You’ve slept in his bed. Even now, his orcling may grow within you.”
“We didn’t do . . . that.” My cheeks got even hotter. I wasn’t used to discussing something like this with another person.
Her face creased before smoothing. “He must be giving you time to adjust like my Odik did.”
“You two didn’t . . . do that right away?”
“I suspect I would’ve been willing if he’d pushed for it, but he’s a sweet orc. He said he didn’t want to claim me until I was ready.”
I wasn’t going to ask how long that took.