Page 50 of Concealed Deception
I’m far fromfine.
“Nothing will be the same again!I have scars now.You’ll always look at me as being weak.”I continue scratching at my wrists, then move to my ankles.“I want to get these things off me.Get these fucking things off me.”I don’t want the reminder of losing my freedom.I’ve already lost too much from this life of lies.
“Ava, there’s nothing there.You’re safe here.”Xander tries to soothe me by holding me tightly, but the restrictive movement does the opposite.
“Let me go.How can you want me after this?”I hold my wrist before me once I’ve wriggled out of his grasp.
“Stop this.This isn’t you.”He lets me go, so I can wrap myself in the sheet, covering the evidence of my torture.
He looks around, picks up his trousers and phone from the floor, then abruptly leaves the room.
I said sleep wouldn’t come, although I didn’t say I wouldn’t lose my mind.He’s right; I’m not myself.I have no control over what’s happening to me.I guess the hospital staff helped me get therestI needed while prolonging my mental distress.
I close my eyes and all I see is the evil pair watching over me.My skin prickles because of the familiar dreaded fear that returns.I want to open them but something is cautioning me, a foreboding feeling.An undistinguishable sensation my body is craving, yet something my mind is rejecting.
“Ava,” a female voice murmurs.
“Ava,” the same voice calls my name, but it’s not the same as the young woman who guided me through hell.
“Ava,”the voice snaps, and my eyes open.
“There you are.”Warm eyes and a soft smile welcome me back.
“Of course I’m here.Where else would I be?”I make sure I’m covered up, although I have a feeling that’s not going to matter.
“Honey, the doctor’s here, but I wanted to see you first.Where are your clothes and I’ll help you get showered then dressed?”She doesn’t judge me nor look at me any differently than when I was in hospital, but I don’t understand why she’s here now in the first place.
“I thought you were coming in the morning before you went back to New York?”I query.
“I was until Alexander called Antonio, worried out of his mind.I’m not leaving until I know you’re out of harm’s way.”Her words are firm.“Now, let’s get you showered before Alexander comes in here demanding you be seen in your sheet-donned-toga,” she jokes.
“Thank you.”I love hearing her laugh.It’s the first light thing I’ve heard in weeks.
“Thank me when you get to see me and Antonio face off.That man is infuriating.Would you believe he carried me out of the hospital over his shoulder to bring me here?Honestly, the man has no limitations.”
“It sounds like someone has a crush.”A light laugh leaves my lips, and it feels fucking amazing.
“Never say crush again.”She lowers her tone.“He might be good in bed, but I’m not becoming one of his whores.The man has too much ego for me.”She helps me out of bed and into the bathroom.
Not once when I drop the sheet to get into the shower does she look at me like I’m a piece of glass.Having her here is the best thing I could ask for.She doesn’t make me self-conscious, and when I am, she ignores it.Instead, she talks on and on about events in her life I’m yet to hear about.Like the time she ran through a fraternity house party, topless, then jumped into the pool.To say her free spirit or lack of fucks to give while intoxicated is distraction enough, she continues to tell me she had a threesome with two other guys in the same pool later that night.
“Thank you,” I try to tell her again, but she isn’t having it.
“There’s nothing to thank me for.I’m your best friend, this is what we do.We tell our dirtiest stories to each other and laugh about our most embarrassing moments.Now, let’s get you washed up, so I have the chance to tell you more and make the men out there squirm.”She smirks.
“You’re devious.”I love how she can turn the shittiest of situations around.
“You’ve seen nothing yet.”She winks as I get out of the shower and wrap a towel around me.
I could never not be who I am as long as I have Lacey.
Lacey was right, Xander is extremely worried.He hasn’t stopped fretting since the doctor started looking over me.He’s been in his face with every observation, demanding questions, and any time Lacey or Antonio try to calm him down he threatens them.
“Mrs.Lamont,” the doctor starts.
“We’re not married,” I correct him.
“Sorry, Miss.Your episode was caused by withdrawals from a combination of drugs and anxiety, causing periods of depersonalization and possibly detachment.This will be why the hospital had you on sedatives to help ease your symptoms and help with rest.I can prescribe you something similar to help, but I highly advise going back to get checked out and being discharged properly.Not because you ran out.”He looks around the room, emphasizing his words to include Xander.