Page 51 of Concealed Deception
“Thank you, doctor, but I’m not going back.Have you got anything on you that will tide me over until morning?”I ask on a whim.
“Unfortunately not.I wasn’t given much warning when I wasaskedto come here, or time to properly gather my things.I suggest taking pain medication and keeping stress levels to an absolute minimum, so you don’t run the risk of another episode until I return to check on you.”
“Is that what happened to me tonight?I had one of those episodes?”I look around the room, fixating on Lacey.She’ll tell me the truth.
“Yeah, babe, it is.”
“How long will it last?”I look back to the doctor.
“Because the drugs in your system were short term, the likelihood of withdrawals can range from days to weeks.Regrettably, I can’t put a time frame on your mental state.I do advise if taking the medication prescribed, only take it for a short time and in small doses.I’m in two minds about prescribing you anything out of hospital care like that, but your—”
“I’ll make sure my future wife gets what she needs,” Xander chimes in, the mention of ‘wife’ sending a flutter of butterflies through my stomach a second time.
“Thank you, doctor.I’ll make sure you’re compensated for your time.”Xander shakes hands with the hesitant man, then Tony shows him out of the hotel suite.
Lacey comes over from where she sat at the kitchen table, and I smirk.
“What’s that look for?”she asks with an ounce of humor.
“Just remembering something,” I sing-song.
“Gah, you didn’t?”She looks at the tabletop then precedes to feign disgust.
“We were in the moment; the moment took us all over the suite.”I try to hide the blush that heats my face and fail.
“Goddamn, Ava.Who are you?”Lacey’s comment comes out as being laced with mockery.
“She’s mine.”Xander stands in front of us, arms folded in a protective stance.
“On that note, it’s time I get this pixie out of here.”Tony stands next to Xander, waiting for Lacey to take the bait.
“Maybe I’ll leave my hair like this so you can stop calling me that.”She flicks her long, brunette waves, encouraging him.I’ll never understand their banter.
“Are we okay?”I ask.
She turns towards me, taking my hands in hers, gingerly rubbing her thumbs over my knuckles.“Of course we are.We were never not okay.I’m a message away, don’t hesitate, all right?I’ve got you.”She leans in and wraps her arms around my fragile frame.I lean into her embrace and bathe in her compassion.
“I believe in you,” she whispers in my ear before letting go and leaving with Tony.
“Do you ever think those two will end up together?”I ask Xander, once the door finally closes.
“Don’t stick your nose in where it’s not wanted, Ava,” he admonishes.
“She’s my friend, Xander, of course I’m going to stick my nose in.She’s one of the few people in my life I trust.I don’t want to see her hurt because your right-hand douche-bag can’t keep his dick in his pants.”
“I don’t think we should be talking about them right now.Come on, let’s see if we can get you a restful night’s sleep.”
I sigh as exertion takes its hold.He’s right.
“Stay with me?”I ask, not wanting to be alone.
“Always.”He helps me up then swoops my legs from under my feet, carrying me to bed.
I delayed everyone’s flight back to New York because Ava needed her friend.As it happens, she’s been a godsend, but I’d never admit that to any of them.I may have my dislikes for Lacey, however, they’re based on Tony’s actions more than her own.He’s all kinds of fucked-up when he’s around her and it’s no good for business.