Page 26 of Sinful Addiction
Inhaling a deep breath, I hold it for as long as possible until my lungs start to burn, only then do I exhale a sigh.
Still nothing.
I look through every cupboard until I come across the cheapest half bottle of vodka.Grabbing it from the shelf I take a seat across from my unfortunate friend and start sipping.
I expected some form of happiness or excitement.Hell, I normally get hard at the sight of my handiwork, but this masterpiece isn’t showing the appeal I thought it would.And I know why.
I was sent here tonight as a distraction.
My past is colliding with my present and no one knows how to handle me.
My childhood nightmare has returned.
I need to do everything possible to keep him away from the one person I care about most.
He doesn’t deserve to walk this earth, nor does he belong in Heaven or Hell.
No, this villain needs to be eradicated into limbo.
It’s time I end Darius once and for all.
I need to serve justice while attaining my revenge.
My first mistake was opening the door to him.My second mistake was letting him leave.I freaked out.He showed me a softer side of himself, and I pushed him awayagainand ran scared.I’m growing tired of myself with the amount of running I’ve been doing lately.
I pick up my phone and scroll through the list of names I haven’t seen in such a long time.I’ve been ignoring my friends’ requests to meet up for the sake of some dick.I’m a horrible person.
I stop at Veronica’s name.We used to go out all the time when I was home; that girl knows how to party, and I miss her.I tap on her icon and the dial tone rings through.After four rings she picks up.
“Lacey?”I can hardly hear her over the pumping music in the background.
“Yeah, V, it’s me.Listen, I’m sorry I’ve been so distant.Can we—”
“Babe, I can’t hear a thing.I’ll message you.”The phone goes silent before I can reply.Not a minute later she has sent a message with the name of the club she’s at and told me to meet her inside.A pang of longing turns into all out excitement as I race to the shower to freshen up.
In less than two hours I’ve finished my hair, makeup and dressed in a champagne colored backless mini dress.I look in the mirror before I head out the door to the car I ordered and am proud to see a slice of my former self.
It reminds me of the confident woman I was before with a free spirit.It’s as if my flame is relighting itself all because of a shitty situation and one phone call.
Luckily for me none of Ava’s goon squad are present so I’m riding solo tonight.I can do whatever I wish without any threats, demands or broody men scaring everyone in sight.
I arrive at Magnitude and instantly feel at home.
I scan the crowded dance floor, then the bar with no sign of Veronica or the others.I push my way through the crowd and toward the bar.I desperately need a drink before I look for them again.I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re grinding against some horny men on the dance floor.
I wait in line until it’s my turn to order when a hand wraps around my bicep startling me.
“I’ve been waving to you for the last five minutes.Doll face, how are you?It’s been so long.”Veronica’s arms engulf me.She’s a lot taller than me so my face is literally being pressed into her cleavage.Something that never bothered me before, but now is all kinds of weird.
Once I’m released, she looks me up and down scrutinizing my appearance.Thankfully she approves of my outfit for the night.She then reaches up to my hair and runs the soft strands through her fingertips.
“It’s a lot longer than I remember.It used to be so short.It looks good on you, L.”
“Thanks, V.You look gorgeous as always.”One thing I learnt early on was if you don’t compliment V, she’ll flush you faster than a dead goldfish.