Page 28 of Sinful Addiction
That’s when I sense it.Or rather him.The electrical tension whenever he’s in the room.I turn slowly with my eyes closed, hoping I’m wrong.
I open my eyes gradually chantingit’s all in my headuntil reality concludes for me, I am not dreaming.
“Hello, pet.”
“Antonio.”His name is a whisper on my lips.
His stance is void of emotion, all except the possessive glint in his eyes.I’ve seen this look before when he’s taken me to Envy.He shuts off completely and becomes another man.Hold on, I stand corrected.He’s acted this way with me once before out of the club as well and that was when I was with another man.
Oh shit, is he jealous?
All the times he warned me are coming into play.Here.With my group of friends who are already asking questions about my mafia connections.
He’s not going to leave me alone.Not now.Not ever.
I have to at least try to stand my ground.
I need to make him believe that I don’t need him, and I want to be left alone.
I compose myself as much as possible while intoxicated and ready my defenses.“What are you doing here?Did you stalk me?”
His simple answer gains more reaction from the group than from me.I should be concerned about what they will think of me or what Antonio might do to any of them, but I can’t look past the sexy man in his navy fitted suit that hugs every inch of his sculpted muscles.A body I have licked, sucked, bitten, kissed and fucked many times over.
My eyes rove over his assertive frame, watching the twitch in his jaw while he displays the smirk that’s just for me.I notice his biceps flinch as he folds his arms across his chest acting like he’s bored with this scene.
I’m jerked from my perusal by Veronica whisper-hissing my name.“Lacey…Lacey?What the fuck is going on?Who is this man?”
Then I hear Harrison call her name to stop her from asking questions and her voice disappears behind me.He knows who Antonio is if his confidant behavior has been replaced by timidness.
This whole exchange Antonio’s eyes have been pinned on me.Observing.Evaluating.He’s waiting for me to bail again or cause a scene.I want to do both, but my legs won’t move, and my feet are cemented in place.It’s the prime opportunity for him to take full advantage, yet he stands there, still.Waiting—for what?
I thought I’d be able to speak by now, but it seems my mouth is having trouble relaying the messages my brain is trying to communicate.
My mouth bobs open and closes a few times more, then Antonio finally makes his next move.He takes two calculated steps toward me, reaches his hand toward my face, then places his index finger under my chin closing my mouth.
His eyes sparkle with all the mischief I crave while his overall expression and stance stays composed, yet to anyone else slightly intimidating.Who am I kidding.He’s scaring the life out of my friends as their whispers become audible.
Antonio’s eyes scan the group, one by one analyzing them until his golden irises land back on me.There’s a fire burning deep within them that wasn’t there before causing my body to combust.Heat spreads to my core, and I have the sudden urge to rub my legs together.The friction causes a new sensation, and I now realize my vagina is indeed a traitorous bitch.She wants Antonio as much as he wants me and that’s saying a lot as I talk about my anatomy in third person.
I’m at war with myself.
“Pet, you need to let go.Follow your instinct, not your head.Don’t run from me anymore.”
His softly spoken words don’t help my dilemma.He’s baring his sensitive side in front of others no less, and I’m the one standing here looking like an idiot.
“Don’t give me a reason to.”
In one swift motion I’m looking at my friend’s retreating forms while upside down.
“Antonio, put me down,” I squeal into his back as he marches toward the exit with no care in the world who sees us.
My remark earns me a slap to my ass cheek, which sends shockwaves of pleasure to the one place I hope isn’t visible to the crowd.
We pass the dance floor with almost every head turned in our direction.The entrance door is held open.
“Knox, make him put me down!”I demand as I’m manhandled past Antonio’s head of security.