Page 45 of Sinful Addiction
His hushed anger makes me take a few involuntary steps back.There’s only one person he talks to like that, and I want no part in whatever they’re arguing about.I already have a gray mark next to my name when it comes to Xander.
I’m about to turn away from the door when his body language changes.He stands upright and tenses, as if he can sense me watching.I quickly take a step forward like I’m only now walking to him with a shy, plastered on smile.
Luckily for me I did.He turns around so swiftly I almost step on the fabric of my dress.Somehow, I manage to save myself from tripping while acting like I didn’t listen in on his private conversation.
Antonio’s eyebrows scrunch inward, giving him a hard edge as he silently studies me.At this point in time, I wish I wasn’t such an open book.
Glass is all that protects me from the man I’ve known for over a year.If he were to turn on me now, there’s no way I’ll escape him.Slightly unnerved, I take one more step forward until his features change.That’s when I know the monster has been locked away.My thoughts must show as his steely features soften with guilt.
My steps become more comfortable as I reach the small opening to slide the glass partitioner for me to step onto the balcony.The air has changed since I was out here earlier.The crisp breeze swirls around me, coaxing me to rub the exposed skin on my arms.
“You’re cold.”I nod in affirmation.It’s better than blurting the real thoughts on my mind like,how much danger am I truly in?Orwhy aren’t you telling me the truth?
We’re back to playing our game of hot and cold as we stand in silence.
“I can’t.”I turn and run back inside.I’m too overwhelmed with the unknown and going to my parents is a bad idea when I’m in a state like this.
“Lacey, wait,” Antonio’s voice follows me to my bedroom.“I haven’t had to think about anyone other than myself for a very long time.Seeing the fear written all over your face, I froze.”
He stops behind me as I reach my walk-in.I don’t know if I can turn around to face him.I’d rather be a coward and pretend today never happened.I’d rather be non-existent than bear the seriousness of those photos and what his brother might be capable of.
“Tread carefully.My walls are already unfixable fragments.Please don’t place my heart in the same fate.Can’t you see?I’m at my utmost vulnerable when I’m with you.If you can’t tell me the truth now, my trust will be in ruins, too.”
The atmosphere thickens with every passing second.We need to resolve this matter before we go any further.
I turn before him.If he wasn’t so damn gorgeous, my decision would be easier.“Either you tell me the truth, or…” I can’t finish my sentence.I, myself, don’t know what theormeans.
“Or, what, Lacey?”There’s no pleading or groveling.He’s goading me.“I’ll tellyouwhat.There is noorbecause you don’t want there to be.A great deal has happened today, and I acknowledge it’s probably a lot for you to take in.However, withholding information from you is not lying to you.I’m choosing what you know in an act to keep you safe.Believe me, you wouldn’t have liked my first option.That call you we’re listening in on was me arguing with Xander because he doesn’t understand that not every woman needs to be kidnapped or used as bait in order to get what us men want.”
I scoff at his last statement.“So instead, you stalk me?”The fucking nerve of him.
“I keep you safe.”
“You’re more delusional than I thought.”My voice rises.“We were getting somewhere.I honestly believed the bullshit was behind us.You don’t need to stalk, kidnap, hide, threat, or tie me down to get what you want.Be real.Be present.Communicate.Don’t shut me out.That’s all I ask.”
The one thing I want from him, other thanhim, is his honesty.
“Forget it, I’ll go to dinner alone–”
“Darius took her from me.He’s not taking you.”
“Took who?I don’t understand.”If this is his way of showing jealousy, he has an odd way of demonstrating it.
“He murdered Leona, my sister.”
Both my voice and air supply are cut off.
This changes everything.
Pity.That’s the exact reaction I was expecting.The one emotion I didn’t want from Lacey.I’ve spent the last twenty-seven years dealing with it on my own.I don’t need the reminder.
Bringing this up now was not my intention.It was a slip of the tongue.Xander’s right, I’m distracted.
I need a deterrent, something to dissuade me from pulling out the little clear baggie from my pocket and inhaling its entire contents.I need a reason to keep my demons on a leash.