Page 56 of Sinful Addiction
“How’d you sleep?”He sits on the bed, observing me as I wrap my fingers around the mug, inhaling the yummy aroma.
“Really good actually.I didn’t have any nightmares.What time is it?”I take a sip hoping to not burn my tongue.
“It’s early afternoon.I’ve ordered lunch, then I thought you might like to visit Ava for the afternoon.”
“So you’re buttering me up with food and my best friend before you go to work?”I hide my smile behind the mug.The poor man will think I’m insufferable by the time the mug is empty.
“Yes, actually.I need to explain myself to Xander and I’d rather not leave you alone.I would invite them here–”
“Why don’t you then?It would mean we don’t have to add stress by leaving, and I’d rather stay at home so I can rest a little more.I’m sure if you get Ava involved, she’ll have her husband here in no time.”
“If that’s what you want, I'll make it happen–after lunch.”He cheekily smiles.Not a second later, my stomach rumbles, so we both make our way to the kitchen, me more eager than ever to see what’s on the menu.
“I can’t believe you let me sleep in my clothes,” I joke as I sit down.
“It crossed my mind to strip you bare, then I decided against the idea.You needed rest and I wasn’t going to come between you and a beauty nap.”He sets out the two takeout containers and the smell coming from them makes my mouth water.
“I’m starving.What are we having?”I open the lid on mine and laugh so hard I almost fall off my seat.“I can’t believe you had Camille cook lasagna for us when there’s an abundance of restaurants to save her the hassle.And you think I’m a brat,” I tease.
The only response I get is Antonio stuffing his mouth with a twinkle in his eye, which lasts the entire meal.
It’s a rarity that we get to do this with us finding our footing.If this is something we can do on a regular basis, I'll be a happy woman.
Having a full belly, I make the decision about leaving the house.Unfortunately, it brings back a plethora of anxiety despite making the right choice.
“I’ve changed my mind.I’m not going to hold you back from your work.If it helps us get one step closer to sorting out this mess, I’ll come with you.Like you mentioned, Ava will be there, and I should tell her what’s been happening as well.”
In agreement, Antonio gets what he needs while I quickly tidy up.
Twenty minutes later, we’re pulling into the driveway and panic settles in.
“Take long, deep breaths, pixie.It’ll be alright.I’m right here.”Antonio takes my hand and brings it to his lips.He never fails to break through my barriers.
As I work through the episode, the tightness in my chest starts to ease.In addition, the longer we sit in the car the more attention we’re going to attract; in other words, Ava is going to come out here with her instincts on high alert.
“We should get inside.I’d like to get this over with so I can move on.”
Antonio gets out, rounds the front of the car and opens my door.I take his welcoming hand, a show of strength, and let him lead me to the house and inside.My nerves are all over the place thinking of the last time I was confronted by Xander and how he’s going to react now.We haven’t exactly seen eye-to-eye.I’m lucky to avoid his scrutiny as Ava rushes out of the office and nearly tackles me in a hug.
Losing contact with Antonio, she takes my hand and pulls me into the office where we sit on one of the sofas.She knows something is wrong, she can read me as well as anyone in this room.
“You can start from the beginning, and please, don’t leave anything out.”Her touch grounds me enough to recount the events that have me worked up.She listens while I divulge my childhood abuse, not once showing disappointment for the secrets I’ve kept from her.The more I share, the harder her nails become embedded in my skin as she contains her anger toward those who’ve treated me badly.She’s holding on by a thread as I reach the facts about my almost drowning and the pictures that were left for me.Her tear-stricken face matches mine as we bear our emotions.
Not feeling any lighter, I look over the room at the men.They’re in the middle of their own heated, private conversation while me and Ava figure out what to do next.For me it’s a no brainer—lock it back in the vault.Somehow, I can’t see it being that easy.
Ava picks up on my needs while wiping away her woes.
“What is it with these two men and the danger that surrounds them?At least Antonio can’t kidnap you.You’re already together,” Ava laughs, looking past me.
That lightens my mood, and I can’t control the bubble of laughter that follows her comment.I didn’t realize how much I needed this.We both laugh so hard it releases some of the strain I didn’t know I needed to set free.
“In his own eccentric way, he already has.As we speak movers are packing up my condo so I can be moved in.”
Warmth fills my heart as I look at the man who’s captured it.His sight is already locked on me as he tries to decide whether or not I need him at this moment.He’s not hiding his concern and it opens my heart further.I’m in a room surrounded by a loving family.Even if Xander isn’t my biggest fan, his heart belongs to my best friend and the man standing next to him.
That gets me thinking.
“How much do you know about Antonio and Xander’s past?”They’re a lot closer than business partners, aren’t they?”