Page 64 of Sinful Addiction
My knuckles turn white as I strangle the steering wheel.“Maybe I don’t want to talk about how the woman I can’t seem to think clearly without fled before talking to me about what she saw in Vegas.Maybe I was minding my own business when that crazy bitch came into Silas’ office and gave me a warning shot.Maybe I’m all sorts of messed up because my brother has come back into my life and turned it upside fucking down again, and I’m not ready to talk about why.For once I need you to trust that I have your best interest at heart.For once I need you to not ask me questions when another woman is involved.And for the record, nothing fucking happened because I was too invested inyou.”My voice is hoarse as I finish shouting.Lacey didn’t deserve any of that, but how the hell do I tell her my sister’s death wasn’t as it seemed and hold it together for her when it matters most.
“I need you to trust me.”I sigh.
There’s no reasoning with her after being in the bathroom with Jordannah.She could have spit off anything toxic about me and had Lacey believing her.But I know Lacey better than that.She wouldn’t have put up with any of it.My feisty pixie doesn’t back down.Especially now.
“At least tell me why your brother needed to see you and the one eighty he pulled over you.You were so ready to do more than shoot him in the shoulder.Help me understand,” she implores.
I start the car, ending this dreaded conversation knowing if I say another word, I’ll regret my actions that follow.
Instead of going home, I drive in the direction of Xander’s house.I need grounding and he’s the only person who can help make sense of my situation with Darius while not involving Lacey.
After pulling into the drive, Lacey gets out without waiting for me and goes searching for Ava.I was a jerk to her earlier but to move forward the only thing I know to do is lock down my emotions.Including those for her.
Once I’m through the door of his home, Vince is waiting for me in the hall.“Boss wants to see you.”
With a nod I pass him, intending on getting a barreling when I enter.Instead, what I find shocks me.
“What the fuck is all of this?”I ask.
“This is what’s going to help you bring down Lewis.All of these are case files he’s used to manipulate clients for his own gain.Also, we have a list of former employees that are willing to testify if you want to go down that road,” he declares.
Well, fuck me.He does have a heart.
“That’s not necessary.Darius is going to help me.”I wait for the explosive anger to detonate, or the part where he tells me I’m a fool and this is all a bad idea.
“We haven’t been able to find him.How the fuck did that happen?”he asks, concerned.
“Prison has changed him, Xander.But the boy who tortured me all those years is still inside him.He’s had help with some new allies of yours, but I’m yet to find out who they are or where they’re from.They know all about us, but Darius underestimates me.I had to tell a white lie to get him to cooperate.I told him your men knew he was in the restaurant and would kill him before he had the chance to escape, that’s if I hadn’t already.He believed every word.”
“He was where?”Xander’s voice explodes.“Why the hell didn’t you call any of us so we could make that threat a reality?What the fuck were you thinking?”he cries in disbelief.
“He didn’t kill Leona,” I blurt.I didn’t think I’d be able to tell him, but I really have no choice.He needs to know why I’ve changed my mind and have Darius siding with me.“The articles I found were true.The prosecutor didn’t use the evidence brought forth in court.He threw the trial and sent Darius to prison without a second thought.Reginald is the reason he’s out.I understand if you want nothing to do with this, after all it’s not your concern.There’s’ no direct threat toward you,” I confess.
“Like fuck there’s not.Youaremy concern, Tony.If someone’s fucking with you, they sure as hell have pissed on my territory.”
I scoff.“Do you hear yourself?”I half laugh.“You basically laid claim to me.”I can’t help the lively smile that forms.For once tonight, this whole situation sounds like a joke.Maybe this is all I needed to get my head on straight.
“Fuck off, asshole.You know what I mean.I look after my family,” he corrects himself, which is a rarity.
“I think we need a drink if I’m going to fill you in on the whole drama.”And we do, into the early hours of the morning, as we figure out a game plan on how to get Reginald the justice he so wrongfully took from others.
Antonio and Xander haven’t come out of the office since we arrived last night.Ava informs me it’s normal for this to happen and I’ll get used to it over time.
What does that mean?
I have lost all sense of the word since Antonio and I admitted our relationship.He calls me his pixie, his little hurricane, but what does that make him to me?A thunderstorm; his moods everchanging.An earthquake; unpredictable and deadly.Whatever the case, I’m already sucked into his vortex.
Ava showed me to Antonio’s room for the night.My mind has been reeling ever since he mentioned Darius’ name, so I haven’t been able to sleep.I don’t understand what made this change and why he’s become closed off.It’s like I’ve got the old Antonio back, but then he never really changed.
He opened up to me about his innermost secrets.He told me stories of his past no one else knows.That must count for something.
Gah, why are men so complicated?