Page 73 of Sinful Addiction
“Lacey, I need you to listen to me.I’m sending you a gift.Knox will show you how to use it safely and properly.I want you to listen to him while I’m not around.It’s important that you do as you’re told if you’re to be a part of this,” I advise.
“Does this mean… Can I come along with you?”Her voice is barely a whisper as she goes over what this means in her head.
“It does.I’m not making this decision for you.If you decide later it’s too much, then you can back out.If you’ve already made up your mind, then I need you to listen to Knox.And stop scheming with Ava.It’ll get you both killed.I love you.”
“I have and I will.I Promise.I love you, too, Antonio,” she hums.
“I have to go.I’ll see you tomorrow.”I hang up before she gets the chance to question my motives.
I’m on my way to the address in Newark Jordannah gave me just as the sky opens up.In my eyes the dark dreariness makes the perfect setting for death.
Approximately half an hour from leaving home, I’m pulling into the building where Darius has another car waiting.
I won’t lie, this man still intimidates the boy within.Somehow after all these years I’ve not been able to let go.A piece of me urges to back out and call his bluff, but this is far beyond the children we once were.
“I wasn’t sure if you’d come.”His admission doesn’t faze me.
“How about we get this over with.What’s your plan?”I ask.
Darius walks toward me with his arms behind his back.He almost looks as if he’s trying to hold it together; keep me from seeing how unhinged he really is.
“To make it as real as possible.”His eyes instantly turn dark.His indifference turns to venomous rage.The exact kind I was on the receiving end of as a child.
Before I can pull my weapon, my arms are pulled behind me and I’m kicked to my knees.Out of nowhere not one, but two, bulky men stand either side of Darius.
“I can’t afford for you to fuck this up, Tony.I’m sorry, little brother,” he says with vindication.
I hold my stare on Darius, boring all the vengeful thoughts through him opposed to cowering like he’s used to seeing.Every muscle in my face tenses, ready for the blows I know are coming.
I was prepared to take a few hits, but I never anticipated how hard they would be.I should have known better.I use all my might to push my body backwards, trying to take the two assholes holding me off guard.It works for one of them, but the other is well prepared and lands a blow to the side of my head, making me unbalanced and woozy.
“What the fuck are you doing?I need to injure him, not kill him.Another blow like that and he’ll be no use.For fuck’s sake, Marco.”Darius is at my side checking my wounds.“Let him go, you morons.You’ve done more than enough,” he spits.
I’m well aware I’ve bitten off more than I can chew.I’m just hoping I haven’t made the wrong choice.My hearing seems normal, but my vision is impaired as liquid drips from my pounding face.Not to mention the clarity of sight trying to decipher who these men are.I blink and squint trying to gain focus, but as the pounding in my temple increases so does the fuzziness.
I manage to stand when brought to my feet and am pleased when Darius makes sure no one touches me again.My gut tells me I should’ve listened when I felt something was off, of course all rational thinking has been overridden with the need to get this deal done.
“I need a word with Tony, alone.”There’s a long pause with no action.“Leave us!”Darius shouts to whoever isn’t following orders.
I wait for what seems like eons for him to finally speak.“I’m sorry, little brother, but you caused this mess.I have no control over what happens next.”Then his lead fist comes at me from nowhere and the room goes dark.
I’m busy in my room when Knox gently knocks on my open door.I smile at him as he stands awkwardly inside the door frame.
“What is it?”I ask with concern.
“When was the last time you spoke with Tony?”he asks with caution.
The phone call.
“Shit.”I hold my hands to my mouth as if I’m praying, but really, I’m stressing out.
“What do you know?”Knox asks dead serious, all subtlety gone.
“You have something special for me.That I was to listen to you and let you train me with whatever it is.Knox, you’re scaring me.What’s going on?”I’m on the verge of crying as the tears stick to my lashes.I’m second guessing our conversation.Something isn’t right.