Page 74 of Sinful Addiction
Knox reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a whiskey-tan leather sheath with some sort of knife tucked inside.
“This is what Tony wanted me to give you.This is his Ka-Bar.Hisfavoriteknife.This is why I’m concerned.Never in my time with him has it left his side for anything or anyone.Did he say anything to you that might have been out of the ordinary?”He’s now in investigator mode.The way he holds himself is tense and rigid compared to the laid-back vibe I had minutes ago.
I go over the conversation with Knox, hoping like hell we’re both wrong.
I voice what we both don’t want to hear.
“He’s going after him alone, isn’t he?”A sickening lump forms in my throat.“He knows because you told him, why else would he get you to bring this to me?Knox, he used his fucking knife as a distraction.He doesn’t want you to train me because I’m not going to get the chance.He wanted you far enough away so he could get a head start.That cunning bastard.”I push past Knox on a mission of my own.
“Alexander Lamont, your office, now!”My banshee-like yell echoes through the halls.
It takes seconds for Camille and Vince to come running down the hall, shortly followed by a disheveled Ava and an extremely pissed off Xander hot on her heels.
“This better be important,” he growls when he steps in front of me.
I hold up the Ka-Bar and let him take it in.
“That sonofabitch!Fuck…” He steps back, yanking strands of his hair.“How long have you had that?”he asks through gritted teeth.
“Knox just delivered it to me, which means he’s already taking matters into his own hands.How do we stop him?”I’m firm and to the point.This is no longer about dealing with my past; I’m protecting my future.
“Never mind stopping him, it’ll be too late for that.We need to find out why the fuck he went after Reginald on his own and where he’s heading to.”He walks over to his laptop, opens it and starts typing.
“Vince, can you use this to find him?”Xander slides it across his desk toward Vince as he gives a brief nod.
“Knox, what information did you give to Tony when you last saw him?”He’s focused on Knox like he’s the reason for this shitstorm.
“I told him your backup plan like you asked, then he brought me that to give to Lacey.”He points to the knife.“I was only there briefly before I came back here.I think he had something planned before I arrived.Could it be possible that Darius contacted him?”Knox’s reasoning makes sense.
“I don’t know.He was a little off when he spoke to me before you showed up.He told me he loved me, that he’ll see me tomorrow then hung up before I had a chance to say more.I didn’t think anything of it, but now I’m concerned.What if that was the last time I ever get to speak to him?”Panic settles in.I want to be strong for him but the more I think about the repercussions of his actions, the more horrid images of his body covered in blood fill my vision.
I listen to the room take action, but nothing they say sinks in.
“Hon, come sit down.You’ve turned paler than me losing my tan,” Ava tries to joke and fails.
I let her guide me to the chair and settle myself in it.After flashes of Antonio’s lifeless body struck my vision, I’m no longer the confident woman I was when I ordered everyone here.The thought of losing him has sunk in.I’m helpless.I can’t work on a computer like Vince or Camille.I have no combat skills, only self-defense lessons.I have no clue what I’m up against in the grand scheme of things.I only know I need him back.
Ava is trying everything to bring me out of my thoughts.
“Is this what it was like for you?”I pick at my nails, avoiding eye contact.
“Yes, and worse.It was the worst kind of dread I’ve ever experienced.My life flashed before my eyes, Lacey.That’s the worst kind of fear anyone could have.I don’t want that for you.Please let Xander go after him,” she pleads.
As scared as I am, no one will stop me from doing what I want, and I want Antonio back.
“Why can’t we track his phone?”I ask the room.“He does that to everyone else.It seems simple enough, right?”I query while holding my phone up.
“That would work if he had it turned on.I can’t find its signal.Sorry, darlin’,” Camille says regrettably.
“What are we supposed to do then?How could he do this to me?”I raise my arm in the air ready to launch my phone when it starts vibrating in my hand.Naturally I’d answer it, but the unexpected timing made me drop the damn thing.
Knox is by my feet in a matter of seconds, answering it for me.“Hello?”His gruff voice is the only noise in Xander’s office.
Ava motions for him to put it on speaker.
“Who the fuck is this?”The feminine voice squares back.
I’ve heard that voice before.