Page 24 of A Valentino Reunion
“They’re headaches is what they are.” Then he steps out of the car and does his little check of the area before he walks around and opens my door. It’s a habit of his—one I indulge him with because listening to the lectures about safety isn’t worth it. I’m also used to it by now.
“They could have taken another jet. Fuck, I could have bought them their own, Holly,” he grumbles.
I shake my head and laugh. As much as he might complain, my husband loves our family. And I do agree with him. Right now, our grandchildrenareheadaches. It was easier when they were little. They weren’t getting into half as much trouble back then. I actually think they get into more trouble than their parents ever did. I know my sons were no angels, but I don’t remember having nearly as many phone calls when my boys were young. Well, with the exception of Luca getting shot a few times and Romeo ending up in jail.
That all seems like a lifetime ago, though.
We walk up to the jet. Matteo and Savvy are already here, along with Lorenzo, Enzo, and Aurora. “Hey, everyone excited?” I ask them.
“So excited, Nonna. Can’t wait to spend a whole month in Italy,” my granddaughter says.
“I can’t tell if that was sarcasm or not, Aurora, but I’ll take it.” I smile.
“Here, Nonna, I’ll get you a drink,” Lorenzo offers. Standing up, he walks to the back of the plane where the galley kitchen is kept, while I lower myself onto the seat across from Savvy and Matteo. Savvy has a folder full of fabric and color samples open on her lap.
“Couldn’t stop working?” I ask her.
“Oh, this isn’t for a client. It’s for us,” she says. “You know that house we bought in Italy?”
“Yeah, you’re redoing it?”
“Yep, Lucy is going to come over and manage most of the reno for me, though,” Savvy tells me.
“Oh, that’s nice. Is she bringing the family?” I ask as Lorenzo appears in front of us with two glasses of champagne, handing one to me and one to his mother.
“I think so. She said something about Dom and Kyla coming along too,” Savvy says.
“Kyla’s going to be in Italy?” Lorenzo chimes in.
“Not for you, she isn’t,” Matteo says, as T laughs and shakes his head.
“I think so,” Savvy replies.
“Great,” Lorenzo grunts. He walks away, choosing a seat in the back of the plane.
“Anyone know where Romeo is?” T asks.
“Right here, Pops. Sorry we’re late. It was Matilda’s fault,” he says with a heaved breath, clearly having rushed up the jet stairs.
“Oh, shit, he full-named her. She must be in trouble.” This comes from Enzo, who’s seated next to his brother.
“It was not my fault, Nonno. Daddy wouldn’t let me bring all the things I needed,” Tilly huffs.
“She packed ten fucking suitcases,” Romeo grunts, and Tilly stomps her foot in protest.
“It’s a whole month! I need stuff!”
“Don’t worry, Tilly, I’ll buy you whatever you need once we’re there,” T tells her.
“Thanks, Nonno. I knew you’d understand,” she says before moving to sit next to Aurora.
“Whatever gets this plane up in the air and us to Italy without all the yelling,” T mumbles to himself.
“I’m sorry we’re late,” Livvy adds a moment later.
“It’s okay. Don’t worry about it. Come sit here.” I pat the seat next to mine.
Out of all my daughters-in-law, Livvy is the shy one, the most withdrawn. But she’s also the one I can discuss books with and not bore her to death. Don’t get me wrong, I love Savannah just as much. She has always been like a daughter to me and has a special place in my heart. I watched her grow up alongside Matteo. Their love is on a whole other level. I just have different kinds of relationships with each of the girls.