Page 25 of A Valentino Reunion
“Mr. Valentino, we’re set for takeoff in ten minutes,” the pilot announces as he steps out of the cockpit to address my husband.
“Thanks, Milo.” T nods at him.
Romeo fills the seat next to Savvy, in front of Livvy, while Dante walks across the aisle to the back of the plane and plops down next to Lorenzo and Enzo with a laptop in hand. I don’t think I see that kid go many places without that computer.
* * *
I wakewith a start and find myself lying on the bed. This jet has one bedroom in the back, though I don’t remember coming in here. As soon as I sit upright on the mattress, that feeling washes over me. How did I get here? Do I not remember getting up and coming to bed?
I shake my head.Think, Holly.
I recall sitting and chatting with Livvy, and then feeling tired. But I don’t remember actually getting up…
The door opens. I see T entering the room and I can’t help the tears that come spilling down my cheeks. “What the fuck?” he grunts. “Dolcezza, what’s wrong?”
“I can’t remember, T,” I tell him.
“You can’t remember what?” he asks, scooping me up and holding me against his chest.
“I can’t remember coming in here to lie down. It’s started, hasn’t it?”
“Oh, dolcezza, no. You fell asleep in your seat. I picked you up and brought you back here to rest. You don’t remember because you were sleeping.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, I’m sure. I would never lie to you, dolcezza,” he says.
“I know. I’m sorry. I just woke up and panicked.”
“Have you spoken to your sister?” he asks me.
“Not since I called her the other day. She was meant to call me back but hasn’t yet.”
“Do you think that maybe the confusion you’ve been feeling has something to do with her?”
“I didn’t think of that… but maybe. Though I’m sure she’d tell me if something were wrong, wouldn’t she?”
“Have you told her how you’re feeling?”
“No, I didn’t want to worry her,” I say. T raises an eyebrow at me in question. “Okay, I get your point. I’ll call her again when we land.”
“Whatever it is, we’ll figure it out. Together,” T tells me while wiping his thumb under each of my eyes. “I’m going to get you some water. Wait here.”
I know I can’t go out there looking like I’ve just been crying. Everyone will insist on knowing why, and the last thing I want to do is start this trip on a negative note.
A moment later, T walks back into the room with a bottle of water and a plate of fruit. Closing the door behind him, he sits next to me on the bed and switches on the television. “What do you want to watch?” he asks me.
“Mmm, you pick. I don’t know. Maybe a rom-com?”
T silently scrolls through the menu and lands on one of my favorite movies,Breakfast at Tiffany’s. It’s an oldie but a goodie. I settle into his side and get comfortable as I send up a silent prayer that I will always remember this moment and every other moment I’ve ever shared with this man. I love my husband. I couldn’t imagine not knowing who he is, not remembering this amazing life he’s given me.
Then my mind drifts to my sister.Could it be her?
I don’t want it to be her. I can’t lose her any more than I can lose myself. But T’s right in bringing up the possibility. Reilly did seem strange the last time I spoke to her. Usually my twin would jump at the chance to come to Italy with us. This time, though, it was like she wanted to say no but didn’t know how to tell me.
Ipull my phone out and check it for the millionth time. She still hasn’t responded. I can see that she’s read my message, which means she’s just ignoring me.