Page 26 of Depraved Royals
No one ever spoke to me this way before. I’ve had a few short flings, but men my age are all quantity and not quality. Too excitable. Who wants sex with someone who brings that Labrador puppy energy to the bedroom?
“My name means nothing,” he continues, stroking my wrist with his thumb, “and neither does yours. I’m a man, and you’re a woman. That’s all there is to it.” He bites my earlobe, and I shudder. “And believe me when I say this, Dani - Iwillhave you again. I’m going to fucking ruin you. And even if you hate me, I know you want me. Ain’t that a bitch?”
Kal is whispering these wicked things to me, and my pussy is acting outbadly. It’s twitching like crazy, and all he’s doing is talking…
Brutus is shouting my name.
Kal releases my wrist and moves away just as Brutus comes into view.
“Dani, your father asked me to remind you about your lesson.”
Kal bursts into laughter. “Is this some Jane Austen shit?” he says to me. “Do you have a governess? Is she worth a fuck?”
A flare of jealousy lights up my anger before I consciously process what Kal said.
Dani, you can’t get pissy because he might want to screw a fictional governess that you haven’t got…
“Wait,” I say. “You said you don’t read.”
“My mother likes to watch costume dramas, which means I sometimes have to watch them too.”
“Well, for your information,Iam learning how to shoot.” I sit up a little taller. “My Papa wants me to get good at it. And it’s fun.”
Kal grins. “Your Papa sees what I see - that you’re too sheltered to survive in this world of ours.”
Oh, don’t you fucking dare…
“Not that it’s any of your business, but I don’t intend to stay in this world.”
Kal nods. “Fair enough. I hear Saturn is beautiful at this time of year.”
Brutus chokes back a laugh and turns it into a cough.
“You aren’t fooling anyone,” I say to him. “You don’t need to drive me. Apparently, Kal has to accompany me everywhere, so we’d better get it over with.” I turn to Kal. “Any possibility of you just driving the car and not being a prick for a while?”
“Possibility?” he replies, getting to his feet. “Sure. But I promise you nothing.”
Sergei frowns as we walk through the door. He’s been coaching me in pistol accuracy off and on for about a year, and he’s only ever seen me with Brutus.
Kal looks around the range.
“So we’re the only ones here?” he asks.
Sergei nods. “Da. You, me, and Dani, until the late class starts at five p.m.” He folds his arms. “Who are you, anyway? You look familiar.”
“Kal Antonov.”
Kal looks like he’s considering offering Sergei a handshake, but he decides against it. The two men eyeball each other.
“Hello?” I say, waving my hand between them. “I’d love it if you two could stop flirting for long enough to set me up?”
Sergei heads for the armory, catching Kal’s shoulder as he passes him. He wanted it to look accidental, but we all know it wasn’t. Kal raises an eyebrow at me, and I shrug.
“You make friends everywhere you go, don’t you?Sucha ray of sunshine.”