Page 27 of Depraved Royals
Kal scowls. “That fucker didn’t look pleased to see me. He’s got a thing for you.”
“Nah,” I say, rolling my eyes, “I think it’syouhe has a thing for. Look how flustered he got. And come to think of it, you seem a bit riled, too.” I tilt my head at the door. “I can just go?”
Kal isn’t amused. “Very fucking funny. But I’ll be keeping a close eye on him because I don’t like him.”
“Methinks the lady doth protest too much?” I say, nudging him.
“Jesus.” Kal massages his forehead with his fingertips. “You’re giving me a headache.”
Sergei reappears, my practice pistol in hand. He leads me out of the kit area and into the range, where he set up the targets ready for me.
Kal leans against the back wall and looks at his phone.
“Hey,” Sergei says to him. “You need ear defenders.”
Kal glares at him. “Do I?”
“I’m supposed to insist, but if you want to be a cunt about it, you just carry on.”
Kal reaches for his ear and extracts a black earpiece, holding it out to Sergei.
“Filtering, not canceling,” he says. “So I can hear speech as long as it’s close, but the gunshots are muffled.” He puts the earpiece back in. “Spetsnazstandard issue. Where areyours?”
“You were in the Special Forces?”
“Do you think I’d tell you if I was?”
Sergei decides he’s had enough and turns back to me.
“Now, Dani,” he says. “Your stance needs work. Remember what I told you? Your feet should be shoulder-width apart, with the foot opposite your dominant hand about a step past the other foot.” He places his hand on my shoulder as I move into the correct position. “Great. Now lean forward with your knees bent, ensuring you’re firmly balanced.”
I glance over my shoulder to see Kal staring intently. But it’s not me he’s looking at.
I get it.
Sergei has his hands on me, and Kal isn’t happy about it.
What a shame.
I look straight at Sergei and give him my best silly-girl simper.
“Are my feet right now?” I ask.
I know they’re not because I shifted my front foot too far back. Oopsie.
“Nyet,milaya,” Sergei says. “Here.” He puts his hands on my hips, turning me slightly so he can help me move.
“Let go of her.”
Sergei and I turn our heads in unison to see that Kal is behind us, removing his earbuds.
“Back off,tovarishch,” Sergei says.
Kal puts his hands in his pants pockets. His voice is low and even, but it still gives me a chill.
“It’s important to me you take your hands off her right now.Doit.”
Sergei releases my hips and faces Kal. The two men are almost nose to nose.