Page 84 of Depraved Royals
The news caused more than a few raised eyebrows, sure.
Danica Pushkin is marryingwho? You’re kidding. What’s the scam?
Many people who move in criminal circles are still totally confused and waiting for the real story. It’s hard for them to grasp that we’re for real.
The string quartet starts up just as I’m shaking my skirts out. Pippa is at my side, helping Mel to arrange my train as Mama runs inside.
“This wedding is just like you two,” Pippa says, fussing at my veil. “Crazy.”
“Is Kal mad at me?” I ask. “I hope not. It’s kinda his fault I’m late—”
Pip covers her ears with her hands.
“I don’t wanna know. From what you’ve told me, it’s gonna be something pervy, and I struggle to look him in the eye as it is!”
My Papa takes my arm. Pippa looks us over.
“Aww. Righto, I’m off. See you in about thirty seconds,” she points, “right down there.”
Pippa walks down the aisle beside Mel. They look so calm; you’d never guess they were frantically smoothing out my dress only seconds ago.
I squint. What’s that?
The zipper on Pippa’s dress has split from the bottom. It’s not open all the way, but her panties are clearly visible. She takes her place at the altar beside Vera, who notices and moves to stand behind her.
I suppress a giggle and relax my face.Time to go.
Kal is watching me as I walk toward him. His eyes shine in the candlelight, and I remember the last thing he said to me before he left yesterday. He sees me blushing and smiles, knowing what I’m thinking.
My father takes my hand and puts it into Kal’s.
“It’s tradition,” Papa says, “but I’m not giving Dani away, and you’re not taking her.” He kisses my forehead. “My girl givesherself.”
The ceremony passes in a blur of repeated words and solemn promises. We exchange rings, and with that, the legal stuff is done.
“Before God and this congregation of love, I’m delighted to pronounce you man and wife.” The priest nods at Kal. “You may kiss your bride.”
Kal touches my bump with the back of his hand, stroking it gently before putting both hands on my waist. He pulls me close and lowers his lips to mine.
“Did you do what I told you?” he whispers.
Kal kisses me again, and my sister can no longer contain herself. She’s brandishing confetti, throwing it over us.
“Mel, you’re supposed to wait until we’re leaving!” I laugh, brushing rose petals off my shoulders.
Papa shakes Kal’s hand. “She’s your problem now, kid. Hope you can handle her.”
Pippa opens her mouth to say something, but I’m sure it’s not gonna be anything my darling Papa wants to hear…
“Pip, your ass is hanging out,” I say.
She reaches behind her and realizes what I’m talking about. “Oh, bloody hell. Never mind.” She shrugs at the priest. “Aw, come on. Don’t act like you don’t want a look.”
Everyone heads out of the church ahead of us, and Kal and I are alone for a minute.