Page 118 of A Little Luck
“Look, Uncle Adam, he’s doing it!” Fudge stands on Ryan’s shoulder for less than half a second before jumping to the floor and running outside. “We’ll keep working on it.”
Ryan gives me a hug around the waist, and I kiss his head. “Have a good day!”
Both boys run after the cat, and Owen drops his skateboard on the driveway, rolling out to the street.
Adam catches my chin, looking into my eyes before kissing me. “I like this idea a lot.”
“Me too.” I slide my thumb down his lips, pulling the full bottom one.
He pulls it into his mouth, giving it a suck, and we both catch a breath. “You’re trying to make us late.”
My body is on fire, but I shake my head, stepping forward to kiss him once more before sending him after the boys. “Tonight.”
* * *
“I’m goingcross-eyed looking at all these photos!” Jemima cries when I walk into the office. “Why did I think this was a good idea?”
“It was a great idea. Let me see.” I scoot in beside her at the large desktop computer up front, where she has photo after photo of kids in Halloween costumes. “Look at that one!”
We’re laughing and cooing at the images of pumpkins and marshmallows and Grimaces and Hamburglars and Super Marios…
“There’s three hundred of them!” She groans, leaning against the desk. “I thought charging fifteen dollars would scare people away.”
“That’s okay. We can run them over the next two issues and figure out what we want to do for Thanksgiving. Maybe thankful for grandparents?”
My phone buzzes, and I look down to see a text from Britt.
Your boyfriend’s at it again.
She sends a photo, and I see it’s a new sign outside the gazebo in the town square. It’s too far away to make out what it says, but I tap a quick reply.
He was with me all morning.
I don’t add that I’m sure, because we were fucking before the sun rose.
Where was he last night?
Inside me.
I punctuate it with a sly-grin emoji.
Whoot! Glad your hymen is good and gone.
Dr Drew said it couldn’t grow back, even after nine years.
“What are you grinning about?” Jemima walks over to where I’m standing at the door to my office. “Sexting with Mr. Stone?”
“Britt still thinks he’s the phantom signer… Sign hanger?” I tap the photo and hold it for her to see.
“Oh, yeah! I saw that on the way to work this morning.” Her blue eyes drift to past my shoulder as if she’s remembering. “The Truth Will Find You… What could it mean?”
My eyes widen, and I know.