Page 44 of The Holiday Puppy
No Minnesotan had such a deep tan in December unless they’d gone somewhere else. The South. The West Coast. Pricey tanning beds at a salon.Or Hawaii.
“I don’t think Mom has ever mentioned you before. Where are you from?”
“The northern suburbs of St. Paul, actually. Though I’ve been traveling for a while.”
“And where did—”
Lucy gave her a quelling look. “Bree and Adam, come help me put the food on the table. It’s time to eat.”
* * * *
NICK SAT BACK IN HISchair, awed and grateful for this wonderful Christmas dinner.
Carrie had been the perfect companion, but her culinary skills had ended at frozen dinners and simple meats on the grill.
She would have been overwhelmed at the thought of making these incredible Swedish meatballs nestled in a savory, creamy gravy. The perfectly poached dilled salmon. Mashed potatoes like he’d never had them before. Butter sauteed fresh green beans.
And oh, my goodness—the light-as-air golden popovers that begged for a generous addition of softened butter.
“If I die tomorrow, I’ll die knowing I had the best Christmas dinner ever,” he exclaimed as he helped clear away plates and serving dishes. “Bar none. Is this your usual menu each year, Adam?”
The boy nodded and turned away. He’d been silent through most of the meal, though Nick had seen him wolf down two servings of everything and then go back for more.
“Mom does this every year.” Bree looked up from the plate she was scraping. “My friends were always mad because their parents wouldn’t let them eat here instead of at their own houses at Christmas.”
When the kitchen was clean, Lucy dusted off her hands and propped them on her hips. “Alrighty, everyone. Ready for dessert? Let’s go!”
Adam picked up a platter of colorful Christmas cookies and took them to the dining room table.
Bree carried in a platter of fragile, cylindrical Scandinavian krumkake and a heart-shaped creamy rice pudding with raspberry sauce, while Lucy followed with a coconut cake covered with a cloud of fluffy frosting dusted with coconut.
She looked up at Nick and nodded toward the Keurig sitting on the counter. “Can you make a couple of cups of decaff for you and me?”
Once they were all at the table, she reached out to her left and right to take Adam and Bree’s hands, and Bree reached out to Nick.
“I know we all said grace before our meal, but I just want to add something more because I feel beyond blessed to have each one of you here.”
When they all bowed their heads, she started. “Thank you, Lord, for the food you have provided and for keeping us all safe and healthy despite adversity...and for helping us keep this family together no matter what happens. Amen.”
Nick caught Lucy’s eye across the table and knew she hadn’t just been referring to her own little family.
She was including him because of all that had happened in Hawaii and all that could have gone so terribly wrong.
That time with her still ran through his thoughts like a never-ending movie.
Seeing her joy and laughter over the smallest things. Her stubborn determination. Her awe over the endless beauty of the island that he’d been seeing for over six months without ever fully appreciating it.
He sometimes walked along the shore and thought he saw her just ahead in her gauzy pink beach coverup and flip-flops, but it never was her and he knew it never would be.
She’d made it clear that she was leaving and there was nothing further to discuss.
* * * *
WHEN THE KIDS WENTback downstairs to watch a re-run of A Christmas Story on TV, Lucy lifted her coffee cup and tipped her head toward the living room.
Lit only by burning logs in the fireplace and the sparkling lights on the Christmas tree, the room was warm and welcoming.
It cast a warm glow over them both as Nick settled on the leather sofa next to her and hooked an ankle over his opposite knee.