Page 45 of The Holiday Puppy
His gaze fell on the pile of opened gifts still under the tree. “It looks like you had a great Christmas.”
“We did. But those gifts are just a small part of it. The greatest blessing was having my kids together again like this to talk about all of our good memories from Christmases past, and about all of the love we share. I was afraid it had been lost.”
Nick rolled the back of his head against the sofa to look at her. “I wasn’t even going to celebrate Christmas. I figured it didn’t matter if I was in Hawaii alone. With Carrie gone, what was the point?”
“Oh, Nick, that’s so sad. I just can’t imagine.”
“Yeah. But then you came along and turned my thinking upside down.”
“I did?” she felt her pulse flutter.
“You woke up my heart.”
He shifted his gaze back to the fire. “Dr. Bailey offered to sell me her vet clinic right after you left. A sweet deal impossible to pass up.”
Now, she felt her heart drop. “Oh.”
“But you once told me that Jenna would miss her mother forever. That she would deeply miss all of those wonderful bonding times she could have had with her mom, as a new mother herself.”
“It’s true.”
“I need to move back here, Lucy. I can’t replace the mother she lost. But I want to be a part of my daughter’s lifeandmy granddaughter’s.” His gaze locked on hers. “And I’m praying that I can have a chance to be a part of yours. What do you think? Can we give us another chance?”
Six months later
Nick had moved back to Minnesota within a month after Christmas, bringing Sniper with him this time.
The pup had now grown to his full size, Nick said, at just eleven pounds, and he had leaped and twirled when he first saw Lucy again. He rarely let her out of his sight.
Now he was at her feet with a big, lopsided satin bow tied to his collar and a look of extreme embarrassment on his furry face.
Lucy watched Bree cuddle Jenna’s six-month-old girl in her arms.