Page 41 of Ryland
Harper pressed her lips together and suddenly looked shy.So fucking adorable.
“I should go,” Ryland murmured, trying to ignore the way her nipple hardened into a tight little bud beneath his touch. “See you shortly.”
“Okay,” she whispered.
Unable to help himself, he lightly squeezed her breast and kissed her again. Then he dragged himself away before he gave in and jumped her.
After Ryland left, Harper sighed dreamily. Last night was amazing in every way and for a few minutes, she lingered in bed, reviewing the highlight reel. His kisses, touches and naughty whispers imprinted themselves on her mind. No one had ever made her come alive like he did. He gave her the security and safety to let go of her inhibitions and doubts. He showed her what true intimacy felt like and encouraged her to give in to the passion between them.
And talk about passion. Holy hell, she’d never felt anything quite so intense. Her body was still tingling. Ryland Mills had blown her mind in every possible way and she was craving him on a primal level. Wanting to feel his big hands all over her, his mouth and tongue exploring her skin and his cock deep inside her.
“Shit,” Harper whispered. After one night, she was falling for him and she had no idea where he stood. Dragging herself out of bed, she wandered into the bathroom and washed up. There was no denying the aftersex glow. Or the hickey. Consumed by thoughts of Ryland, she pulled on some of the clothes Bruja had let her borrow, drew her hair back in a low ponytail and headed over to Banshee and Bruja’s bungalow.
The crew was gathered together in the living room area and the moment she walked in the door, Ryland came over to meet her. She could feel all eyes on them as he dropped a quick kiss on her lips. Apparently, he had no problem with letting his team know—
Know what?That they were sleeping together? An item now? She had no idea what they were exactly and her cheeks heated up as he threaded his fingers through hers and led her over to the group.
One thing was certain, though. He’d claimed her as his and he was letting them all know it.
Ryland tugged Harper down on the couch beside him and she glanced up at Bruja who came over, grinning broadly, and handed her a mug of steaming coffee.
“Heard you need some caffeine.” She winked and Harper mumbled a thanks, feeling the blush creep down her neck. She brought the mug up to inhale the brewed goodness, using it as a cover to avoid everyone else’s eyes.
“Okay,” Pharaoh said, getting down to business. “Banshee has a list of ten names and he’s managed to decrypt two.”
“Targets?” Ryland asked.
“The first target is Lester Tillman. According to my search, he lives in the San Diego area. Comes from money and never worked a day in his life. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s helping to bankroll The Agency. Target two is Selma Santiago. Haven’t found much on her yet, but it looks like she has a residence located a couple of hours away in Ensenada.”
“What’s the plan?” Saint asked. “My Spanish ismuy malso I’d rather deal with Tillman.”
“Santiago doesn’t necessarily mean Spanish, Saint.” Bruja rolled her eyes.
Pharaoh nodded. “Bruja and Rip, track down Santiago. Recon only. Saint and I will head back to San Diego and see if we can find Tillman, and Banshee will be our eyes and ears here at command center.”
“Recon only?” Ryland echoed through gritted teeth.
Beside her, his body tensed and there was no missing the disapproval in his tone.
“Recon only,” Pharaoh stated firmly. Then his tone softened. “Don’t worry, Rip. We’ll get the fuckers who took out Tanner. But we can’t go running around, half-cocked, shooting shit up. We need to make sure and the last thing we want to do is tip them off before we understand fully who all we’re dealing with.”
Ryland forced a nod and Harper felt the frustration vibrating through him. But she had to agree with Pharaoh. They needed to clearly identify their targets and the bad people within The Agency first.
“Then let’s pay Selma Santiago a visit because I’ve got a lot of fucking questions about what’s going on.” Ryland stood up, ready to go.
“Stay in touch and lock it down,” Pharaoh ordered, squeezing Ryland’s shoulder. “We’ll reconvene tonight.”
With a sharp nod, Ryland walked out and Harper stood up, ready to follow him. She wasn’t exactly sure what her part in all of this would be, but she knew Ryland wouldn’t leave her behind.
Apparently, she wasn’t the only one who figured that out. After watching Ryland stalk away, Pharaoh turned his intense attention to her. “Can you keep him in line?” He looked from Harper to Bruja. “Because we can’t afford for him to lose it.”
“We can handle him,” Bruja assured him and exchanged a look with Harper.
Could she handle him? Harper wasn’t exactly sure, but she nodded anyway. She already knew she would do her best to ensure The Agency was made to pay for their crimes against Ryland and his team. And she’d be right beside him, ready to talk him down if he escalated.
“C’mon, Harper. Let’s go.”