Page 42 of Ryland
With no idea what to expect, Harper pulled in a deep breath and followed Bruja.
Ryland drove his father’s Ford Explorer while Pharaoh and Saint took the Suburban and headed back north. Leaving Banshee at the bungalow, they settled in for the two-hour drive. Harper sat in the passenger seat and he could feel her gaze on him, but he kept his attention on the dirt road.
He had a lot of questions for Santiago and if she didn’t cooperate, there would be a serious problem. The anger and pain he’d tamped down and compartmentalized over Tanner’s death was seeping through, like a battery leaking acid, and he itched to take it out on someone.
If he found out she was the asshole behind Tanner’s death, he wouldn’t hesitate to pull the trigger. Fuck recon.
Stewing in his dark thoughts, he barely noticed when Harper’s hand slid over his and squeezed.
“Hey,” she murmured, her soft voice cutting through his angry haze. “Come back to me.”
Ryland glanced over at her. She was all light and goodness, a pure soul, and he hated himself for dragging her into this tangled web. But here she was and there was nothing he could do about it. Nothing except protect her and keep her out of harm’s way.
They reached their destination and Ryland double-checked the address before parking the Explorer down the street and out of sight. Selma Santiago lived in Greater Ensenada which was outside the main area of the city and more of a coastal beach town. It had several renowned surfing spots and Ryland paused, his attention going straight to the Pacific Ocean to check out the wave height. He knew Todos Santos Island was located about two hours off the coastline and where the Billabong XXL surfing contest was held. Wave faces could reach sixty feet out there, and he and Tanner had talked about going one day.
Now that would never happen.
Gritting his teeth, Ryland communicated to Bruja with a hand gesture, motioning for her to circle around to the back of the house while he and Harper would stay in the front.
Bruja nodded and disappeared into the yard.
“Are you ready to put your acting skills to work?” Ryland asked, grabbing Harper’s hand.
“I’m not a very good actor,” Harper said, her face falling slightly.
“I’ll take the lead. You just look at me with stars in your eyes.”
“I think I can do that.”
Ryland smirked, lifted his hand and knocked on the door. “That’s right, Mrs. Mills. We just got married and now we’re down here on our honeymoon. Too bad our car just broke down.”
The corner of her mouth lifted in a knowing grin.
Mrs. Mills.Ryland never gave much thought about there being a missus, but when he looked at Harper, he began giving it some serious consideration. Or maybe the sun was too hot down here and he was losing his mind.
He was about to knock again when the door opened and a dark-haired woman who looked to be somewhere in her forties arched a thin brow. She had a haughty air to her and before she could say a word, Ryland launched into his bullshit story.
“We’re so sorry to bother you,señorita, but my wife and I are on our honeymoon. We’re having some car trouble and wonder if we can use your phone?” Ryland gave her a lopsided grin when she didn’t say anything. “I sure hope youhabla inglés.”
Her dark brown eyes narrowed. “I’m sorry, I don’t have a landline,” she responded in flawless, lightly-accented English. But the snotty tone in her voice told him she wasn’t sorry at all. In fact, she didn’t give a rat’s ass. Ryland had always been able to read people and situations well, and this woman was a cold one.
“What about a cell phone? Just real quick and then we’ll be on our way.”
“No, I can’t help you.” When she began to close the door, Ryland jammed his foot in, stopping it.
“I think you can help us, Ms. Santiago,” he murmured in a low, lethal voice. “Now I suggest you invite us in because we have some questions for you. And you probably wouldn’t want your neighbors to overhear them.”
Chapter Fourteen
Selma Santiago’s dark eyes widened and before she could respond, Ryland shoved the door open, pulling Harper in behind him.
“You need to leave. Right now!” she exclaimed.
“We’re not going anywhere,” Bruja stated, moving up behind her. “Not until you answer our questions.Lo entiendes?”
“Who are you?” Selma sputtered, backing away.