Page 41 of Gray
Gray reached for her hand where it had stilled over his heart, brought it up to his lips and kissed her knuckles. She released a shaky breath.
“One day, I gave myself a pep talk, got online and signed up on a dating site. That’s where I met Scott.”
Gray’s eyes narrowed. “Fuck Scott.”
“I haven’t even told you what happened yet.”
“Did he hurt you?”
“Then you know my response.”
“Fuck Scott?”
He nodded. “Go on. Make me hate this dickwad more. Even though I’m not sure that’s possible.”
“There was a summer concert happening down by the river. Just a small, not very well-known artist, but it sounded fun. And I hadn’t gone out in a long time. So we planned to meet up, have a couple of drinks and watch the show. I bought a new outfit and wore this white top to help cover my arms because I didn’t like the way they looked.”
Gray was clenching his jaw so hard, he was surprised he didn’t crack a tooth. Even though he didn’t want to hear about what the asshole did to hurt Aubrey so badly, he needed to know. So he could help her heal just like she was helping him.
“We met and I was so self-conscious because I was nervous and…and heavier than I am now.”
“Go on,” Gray encouraged her.
“We talked for like twenty minutes and I started getting more comfortable. It was a really hot night, so I slipped my long-sleeved shirt off and couldn’t miss the way he looked at me. With disgust. He said he was going to get a drink…and he never came back.”
Her face fell and his heart sank.Fucking cocksucker.
“I waited there for maybe an hour then sort of wandered around. I ended up finding him. He was dancing with another woman. And the worst thing was, she looked a lot like me. Just thinner.” Gray waited patiently for her to continue. “I wanted to confront him so badly, but I didn’t have the nerve. I ended up messaging him the next day, though, asking where he’d gone.”
“Did he respond?”
“Unfortunately. He said I wasn’t what he expected and I was too thick for him. That he wasn’t attracted to girls who didn’t take care of their bodies. I stopped dating after that and worked hard to get back into shape. I’m still not where I want to be, but—”
“Aubrey, baby, please stop. You’re perfect just the way you are. Even if you were heavier, it doesn’t matter. The problem wasn’t with you, it was with him.” He laid a hand above her left breast. “You have the kindest heart of anyone I’ve ever met. You want to help others and you give your time and talent to help make this godforsaken world a better place. You’re selfless and lovely and a stunningly beautiful woman. And you know what? I’m glad that asshole walked away. Because now you’re here, inmyarms. Not his.”
“When you put it that way, I’m glad, too.”
Gray smiled. “And remember what I noticed about you first? Other than your amazing eyes?”
“My sparkle?”
“That’s right. It lit up the whole goddamn cantina.”
“You know what I noticed first about you?” she asked.
He arched a brow. “What?”
“Your tight ass in those cargo pants.”
Gray rolled his eyes and tickled her sides. With a screech, Aubrey pulled back and grinned.
“Just kidding. Though it was probably the second or third thing I noticed. The first was your presence. It filled the room the moment you walked in and I thought, wouldn’t it be amazing to have a man like that?”
“You have me, Sparkle.” Gray dragged her into his arms and proved it with a kiss to end all kisses. He was going to make it his mission to wipe away the last of her doubts and insecurities. Because with him, she would never have to wonder or question anything.
To him, she was absolutely perfect.