Page 42 of Gray
Aubrey couldn’t believe she was in bed with Gray. He’d just blown her mind and body up with another orgasm and she was currently floating back down to Earth. His stamina amazed her. It also amazed her how much she’d allowed herself to open up to him.
She’d told him everything. All about Garrett, her parents, her insecurity about her weight and Scott. All the things that hurt her the deepest and made her question her own self-worth. And, although Gray was a man of few words, the way he held her and kissed her provided a level of comfort and healing she needed to move forward.
Hopefully with him.
But Gray hadn’t opened up to her yet. And she wasn’t sure how she felt about that. She only knew about what happened with his former team because Zane had mentioned it. Gray hadn’t said a word or confided in her in any way.Yet.She had so many questions she wanted to ask him, but the last thing she wanted to do was seem pushy or make him uncomfortable, because then he’d pull away.
Curling up in his arms, she told herself not to stress about it. Eventually, he would be comfortable enough to trust her with his past hurts.
Or, so she hoped. Gray wasn’t the easiest man to read and she wanted so badly to help ease the burden weighing down his heart and soul. But she could only help her sorrowful man if he chose to open up, and Aubrey knew that would most likely take time.
And time was a luxury they didn’t have.
Chapter Fifteen
After spending the night in Gray’s bed, Aubrey felt a boost in her confidence that made her step lighter and her heart fuller. Grayson Ellis was making her want things—permanent things. She wasn’t sure if it was mutual, but she was going to soak up his attention and enjoy every minute of their ride together. No matter how brief it might end up being.
The team, plus her and Harper, gathered in their living room later in the morning and Zane brought them up to date on everything he could find on the Mercier twins. They were a deadly duo, private assassins who worked for the highest bidder, and their ruthless reputation was legendary.
“When I was on that yacht, our mysterious Mr. Smith mentioned the Mercier twins,” Ryland reminded them. “He said the call had been put in, most likely to terminate us. But since they now think we’re dead, they turned their attention to Tillman.”
“Looks like The Agency is wrapping up loose ends,” Saint said. “Even if that means turning on its own people.”
“Smith was clearly unhappy with Tillman and they sent the Merciers to neutralize him.” Inda swung her ever-present nunchucks.
“Don’t forget the other names we heard,” Braxton reminded them. “Cipher and the Cardinal. Any intel on either of them yet, Banshee?”
Zane shook his head. “Still digging.”
“Tillman said they should alter the plan and send the Cardinal in now.” Ryland shifted on the couch beside Harper. “If they’re eliminating people…”
He didn’t finish his train of thought and Aubrey glanced over at Gray then at the rest of the group.
“You’re worried about your dad,” Braxton stated.
“Worried isn’t the right word,” Ryland said coolly. “He can take care of himself. Let’s face it, there’s no love lost between me and Cross Mills.”
Aubrey frowned, not sure what they were talking about. She didn’t know anything about what had happened with Ryland and his father.
Keying in to her confusion, Harper leaned over and whispered, “Ryland and his sister believed their father had died years ago when, in fact, he’d been alive and well, working for The Agency.”
“He was our handler for six months and I had no idea Merlin was actually my father. Not until I found him in Mexico recently. And he didn’t seem overly thrilled to see me,” Ryland added, tone flat.
“Sorry about that,” Aubrey murmured. Even though he kept his emotions in check, Aubrey knew he must be hurting on some level. If anyone could relate, she could. Her parents never appeared happy to see her. If they even remembered they had a daughter. And that was a big if.
“His loss,” Harper said, twining her fingers through Ryland’s.
The two made Aubrey smile. She could see the love radiating off them. They made a stunning couple, but it was more than that. They supported each other completely in every way.
Aubrey slanted a look in Gray’s direction and her heart fluttered. She wanted that with him, but was it possible? He made her feel good about herself—something no one else had bothered to do in a very long time. But he hadn’t let his walls down and was still keeping her at arm’s length when it came to his nightmares, his former team and the demons haunting him. And that scared the crap out of her because it filled her head with doubts. It made her think maybe he wasn’t as into her as she was into him, and those insecurities she tried so hard to eliminate were returning with a vengeance.
“So, here’s the sitrep,” Zane said, interrupting her thoughts. “I’ve got multiple programs running and I’m still working on deciphering the list that will lead us to the rest of the assholes who sit at The Agency’s high table.”
Braxton drummed his fingers on the arm of his chair. “That leaves us with three options: finish off Alvaro Mesa, hunt down the Merciers, or wait for Banshee to uncover more intel.”
“I don’t like loose ends,” Saint growled. “I say we finish off Mesa.”