Page 31 of A Pack Christmas
Do you think it was a coincidence that your line was the one to break?my wolf asks.
Looking at Lykem, I find him staring at me with confusion in his eyes, but he’s not the only one feeling that way. Still, I’m starting to believe that maybe my wolf is right and this is exactly where I was supposed to end up.
“What?” I ask him, feeling as if I missed something in my mini freak-out since he’s still staring.
“Did you hear what I said about how we’re getting there?” he replies, and I forgot I even asked the question.
“Um, no. I must not be quite awake yet.”
His responding smile makes my stomach flutter as he says, “That’s okay. We’ll get you a real bed to sleep in soon.”
My muscles relax even thinking of a soft, non-lumpy surface to rest my body on.
“As I told you last night,” he starts to say, and I make sure to give him my full attention this time, “I’m a dragon shifter, meaning I can fly.”
He pauses, seeming to watch my face for a reaction, but I’ve spent years hiding my true feelings from my captor, so it’s easy to mask my next freak-out as Lykem continues speaking.
“I’ll shift once we’re away from the cabin, and you’ll need to hop on my back,” he explains. “I have magic that shields my dragon from the humans, so we can fly straight to the pack as long as we don’t run into any more weather.”
I swallow thickly. He wants me to…ride him?
It’s not like you’ll be naked, my wolf says.Pretend he’s a horse.
I’ve never ridden one of those either.
Yeah, this is going to be interesting.
Lykem reaches for the blanket on the couch. “You’ll want to bring this with you. It’s still cold as hell out there. Keeping your face covered will make things…easier.”
Not likely by much, but I take his word for it.
“And we’re leaving now?” I ask, then curse myself when my voice comes out with a tremble in it.
He raises a brow and grins. “Are you afraid of heights?”
My head shakes. “Nope.”
“Liar.” He chuckles and the sound makes my nerve endings feel as if they’ve been shocked in the best way possible.
I’m not at all prepared for being mated. I was only seventeen when I was taken… Holy shit. My brain quickly does the math, and I don’t like the conclusion. I’m in my thirties now.
I’m old.
My wolf laughs at my new inner turmoil, but I don’t get to dwell long. Lykem opens the door to the cabin. “Shall we then?”
“Why not?”
I’m pretty sure I’ve officially gone crazy, but trusting my wolf and my instincts is what’s gotten me through the years. Why stop now?
I follow Lykem out the door, but stop before closing it to double check the fire is out in the fireplace and we haven’t left any of the oil lamps lit. When everything seems as it should be, I shut the door behind me.
Alright, I can do this.
Lykem stops once he has about a twenty-foot radius of space. The ground is covered in eight-to-ten inches of snow and the wind is still blowing, making the chill feel even colder.
He gives me a onceover, keeping a distance between us. “Make sure to stay there while I shift. When I’m done, it will be easier for you to come to the front side of my wing and use my leg to help you climb up. Once you’re on, don’t forget to use the blanket to cover your face.”
“Got it,” I say, not at all feeling like I have this.