Page 32 of A Pack Christmas
His grin makes my heart flutter again, but he doesn’t keep his gaze on me for long. A shimmer appears around him, and then dark red scales begin to appear on his skin as his body grows taller and wider right before it seems to burst…transforming into a beast.
On instinct, I step back even further, but his wings and spiked tail don’t come close to me.
Holy shit. He’s a freaking dragon.
I already knew that, but knowing and seeing are two completely different things.
My hands tremble as I take a step closer. His massive animal turns toward me, and I see his newly familiar eyes staring back at me.
Taking a deep breath, I remind myself that I can do this. I’ve been through worse. This shifter is my mate. He’s here to keep me safe. I have absolutely nothing to be afraid of.
Except falling off his back when we’re thousands of feet in the air, my wolf teases.
Not helping, I snap back as I approach his dragon.
My fingers reach out, the tips running over his smooth scales. They’re cool to the touch, but that just might be because of the weather. Either way, I’m surprised by how soft they are.
I look back at his head to find he’s still watching me. I thought that would make me more nervous, but instead, his steady stare seems to calm my nerves.
Holding tightly to the blanket with one hand, I reach up for his outstretched wing and lift my foot until it finds a spot on his leg as he suggested. With one heave, I’m off the ground and crawling up his back.
Holy shit, I’m sitting on top of a dragon right now and not just any dragon. My mate.
I don’t know how I went from thinking I was going to die in a cage to this in a matter of a week or so, but for the first time in too long, I smile. A real and genuinely happy one that stretches across my face.
I just might be okay after all.
Lykem’s wings begin to move, and I scramble to wrap the blanket over my head. Once that’s done, I reach for the spikes on his neck for something to hold on to and am grateful for my long legs that allow the tips of my toes to rest on top of his wings.
My knees press inward against his body, and I lean forward, tempted to close my eyes, but the moment he pushes off the ground, an excitement fills me.
This is something straight out of a dream. There’s no way I’m missing this.
We soar above the trees, then higher, but stay beneath the clouds. There’s a city toward my left and more trees to my right, which is the direction Lykem goes.
Most of the land is flat and covered in snow, except for the roads that seem to have been cleared. Though, I don’t get to watch for long periods of time. The wind gets stronger, and it feels as if we’re flying right into it.
Using the blanket, I cover the rest of my face and lean closer to his back. My cheek rests against his scales, and I keep my eyes closed, soaking in the moment.
I’m flying on my dragon mate to one of the most well-known packs in our supernatural community to meet a rare Luna Marked wolf and her mate, the alpha.
This could only be better if my parents were also going to be there waiting for me.
But maybe that will come next. Maybe I don’t have to leave the past behind in order to move forward. Not now.
Back in East Texas…
Lykem texted Cillian to tell him he was on his way back with Lexi. My stomach is churning with nerves. She might be his mate, but we know nothing about her or if her story is true. I don’t want to doubt Lykem’s mate, but something tells me her showing up is going to change more than a few things.
So far, the morning has been perfect. Mom hasn’t once freaked out. Everyone else is together, laughing and smiling and enjoying the company of our extended family finally all being together again.
Except I’ve just left my pups who are distracted with their new toys, and now I’m waiting for Lykem with Cillian and River.
“Did he say where she’s from?” Cillian asks River.