Page 19 of Seduce
“So we agree that she’s still ours?” Sidney asks. I can see the wheels turning in his mind. Usually this is the time that he would be pushing Silla away when things get complicated. I’m glad that he’s not doing that. I’d probably punch him.
“Yes,” I snap before wincing at my tone. “What I mean is that we’ve been given another chance. The only thing that can separate us from her is death. As long as Silla is alive, then we have a chance. The Queen is offering us our freedom if we can dismantle the Underground, we could find a way to take her and run.”
“Yes, but we are keeping her in power by silencing the Underground,” Andrya counters before covering her mouth in horror. We may have started drinking a bit at the beginning of this conversation.
I roll my eyes as if my sister didn’t just mention treason. “We’re already traitors to the crown,” I remind her. “You’re also talking to us, your family. We all hate the bitch.”
“While that may be true, we can’t just remove the monarchy without a plan to fill the vacuum,” Grayson says.
Slouching against the couch, I nod. “Silla is already a walking, talking lookalike, the Gods know she’d make a better queen,” I mutter.
The four of them stare at me with huge eyes, but I shrug. I stand by what I said, buzzed or not.
Blowing out a breath,I walk to the conference room reserved for smaller meetings. We usually use them for section instructor meetings to make sure that we’re all on the same page. Today I’m talking to the replacement that Cinder wants updated on how we run our section. Thankfully, she chose to replace the Section B lead teachers within FRC. It’s a lot easier for me to debrief someone that way.
Unfortunately, Isaac isn’t that lucky, so he’s already had a long day.
“Hey, Tracy,” I say as I see her sitting. “Now I understand this may feel overwhelming because this is the job of three people, but I promise it’ll be fine.”
Nodding nervously, she straightens her spine as I sit across from her. Sidney and my sister follow me shortly after, and we begin our two hour debrief.
“Poisons will be dropped from the curriculum unfortunately, until a new head instructor can be found,” I explain. “The groundskeepers will take care of all of the vegetation and roses, so that is off of your plate. However, you’ll have weekly video chats with the Queen or an auditor on how things are going. If you have a concern, voice it. You’ll have a three month period to figure your shit out before she gets irritated with you.”
I’m hoping this is the case, at least, because that’s how long she gave us to figure out our new positions. I feel as if she wasn’t quite as insane as she is now, either, though.
“The assets need to be able to work in difficult conditions,” Sidney continues. “Make it hard for them to concentrate, find ways for them to fail within reason and then figure out how to pivot. Without these things, they won’t survive in the field.”
Grabbing a notebook, she begins to take notes, making me begin to relax. She may just survive this position after all.
* * *
“You look weird,”Sidney says as we eat dinner. We’re getting picked up tomorrow by the castle’s transport. It was supposed to be in the afternoon, but apparently the Queen is in a hurry, and is having us picked up at four in the morning.
I think it’s kind of ridiculous, but at least we won’t hit any traffic.
“It just feels odd to be leaving,” I explain with a shrug. “This has been our home for a long damn time.”
We’re keeping our voices low, but still being careful of our words.
“I know what you mean,” Andrya murmurs. “I’m happy to be moving on, figuring out what our next steps may be once our mission is done. It’s all so surreal, though.”
Finishing up dinner, we take our bags to Grayson’s room. We’ve either been sleeping here or in Isaac’s room for months. It’s just been easier, Andrya doesn’t have as many nightmares, and it’s more natural for us all to be in the same place.
If anyone’s noticed, no one has said anything. Trauma takes the face of many different things, and the familiar can help fend off its consequences. On the other hand, many of the staff members are scared of us now. Sidney, Andrya, and I have become even more fucked up lately, because we’re bored.
We just don’t do it through sex anymore, we use fear. If someone doesn’t perform well in class, they’re terrified we’ll do something to their food or drink. Sometimes we do it immediately, sometimes we wait until they think they’re safe. It helps pass the time, though I’m sure no one will miss us, outside of the fact that we are all very efficient at our jobs.
“Hey guys,” Isaac says without opening his eyes from where his head is leaned back on the couch. “My head is splitting. Why are people so stupid?”
“Poor baby,” Andrya chuckles, digging in her bag for some headache pills that we make. We all raided what we’ve made, making sure to pack it. Sidney also clipped extra bags of our plants, which is why his bag is the largest. Cinder sent word that we could only bring one bag each, and my sister just shrugged it off.
She has so many favorite blankets and comfort items that she’s built up over the years, and all she said was, “I’ll buy others. That’s not important.”
Andrya’s priorities have changed a lot over the last year, and part of me wishes that they hadn’t had to. We’ve all lost so much of ourselves. The Warden is grouchier now, quicker to anger around others, and more withdrawn. Sidney is broodier, his mind going to dark places when someone pisses him off. I’ve had to stay his hand several times when he’s reached for a dart that he keeps in his pocket now. The man is always armed, and the poison in that thing is lethal. Isaac stares off into space more, and scares off those who come to him for help. And me? Killing off the Queen sounds better than ever.
I’ve gotten quietly introspective when it comes to my plotting now. Silla would make a beautiful, and fair queen.
Andrya hands a glass of water and pain pills to Isaac just as there’s a knock at the door. Grayson wouldn’t knock on his own bedroom door, so I frown. Dropping my bag on the floor, I answer it.