Page 20 of Seduce
“Can I help you?” I ask the small blonde standing outside. She’s in my section, and very pretty. Unfortunately, she also has a penchant for fucking the instructors. Again, there’s no real rule against this, but Grayson has always made it clear that he’s not interested in dicking down the assets.
I’m pretty sure that I’ve heard him say this when people would hide under his desk to surprise him with a blow job. It would be funny if it didn't happen so often. More often than not, one of us would find a naked woman or man in between Grayson’s sheets, hoping to surprise an unsuspecting warden during the early months of this year.
Andrya found the last two, and dragged them out of the room screaming, then demanded that we change the sheets. Fucking gross.
“I know the Warden is leaving tomorrow, and wanted to give him a decent send off. Monica and I were going to see if he’d fuck us both,” she says with a sultry, though hesitant, smile. Kelsea knows that I don’t fuck around.
“You’re a whore, and not a very good one,” I growl, leaning forward. “Your intelligence is subpar, or you would realize he doesn’t want your loose pussy.”
“Who the fuck is that?” my sister asks, ducking under my arm to look. “Oh, you’re not very smart, are you, Kelsea? Sidney, love, do you still want to use your dart before we leave?”
“Oh, oh, do you mean it?” he asks dryly, making me snort.
“Children, please. Daddy’s head hurts,” Isaac groans, making the three of us snicker.
“Sorry,” we chorus softly. Kelsea’s eyes are wide, her lips trembling as I grab for her.
“It’s not nice to go after what’s not yours, little girl,” I coo, throwing her on to the ground. “The Warden is tying up loose ends, and isn’t available, either. Sidney, how’s your bladder?”
Looking at me curiously, he shrugs. “I could take a piss if needed, what are you on about?”
Isaac chuckles softly, his head rolling to look at us. “Don’t get any on the carpet, and I’ll look the other way.”
“What are you talking about?!” Kelsea tries to stand, but I roll my eyes.
“I’m tired of you attempting to climb into unsuspecting faculty’s beds. It may not have beenexactlyyou, but your type. Fuck it, I’m projecting and I couldn’t give two shits about it,” I grumble.
“I appreciate that you’re so self-aware, brother,” Andrya chuckles, wrenching Kelsea’s hair back hard, smirking at her angry gasp.
She’s not scared yet, but she will be. All of us have been victims of having our autonomy ripped away from us. This may not be fair, but she’s a predator in her own way. Grayson may make us stop if he catches us, but Isaac is merely amused.
“We should get her to the bathtub then.” I sigh. Together, Andrya and I haul Kelsea to the bathroom.
“Clean up after yourselves,” Isaac calls out tiredly.
“Yes, Daddy!” We yell, grinning. It’s been ages since we’ve done anything truly fucked up, and it feels good. Silla tamed us just a bit.
Picking her up, I toss her into the tub, grinning as Kelsea grunts and squalls in disgruntlement.
“Rule number one of being a good human,” I begin, unzipping my pants, stopping when my sister laughs. It’s pure, unadulterated giggles, and I haven’t heard those in over a year.
“I don’t think we know what being a ‘good’ human is,” she laughs.
Shrugging, I agree. “Yeah, I think we should just piss on her. What do you think, Sidney?”
Unzipping his pants, he nods. “I mean, I feel as if this is a gentler fate than what Grayson would do…”
“Who… who’s Grayson?!” Kelsea wails. “Please, I’ll just go. This is ridiculous. I just did my hair!”
Oops. Warden Ayers is what he goes by in this place.
“Sneaking into people’s rooms for the sake of getting them to have sex with you is sexual coercion, doll,” Sidney says, pulling out his dick.
“Coercion is a really nice crime to get the Warden to have you packed off to prison,” I chuckle, releasing my cock from my pants.
“Wait, I didn’t think it would be a big deal to offer to have a threesome with him before he left. He’s so grumpy, but looks like he can fuck hard,” Kelsea moans, squeezing her tits as if she’s turned on.
“Ew, have some self respect,” Andrya mutters.