Page 66 of Endless Harmonies
“So your pretty pussy healed up perfectly?” Roark asks as he walks in behind me. He knows it did because he took me to the appointment and sat in the waiting room.
Snorting, I roll my eyes as Derek, Turner, and Orion come out of the living room to find us as they hear Ror’s voice. It could honestly be because they heard the word “pussy” too.
“Everything go okay?” Orion asks, eyes wide as he snuggles Devlin in his arms. “I did way too much research on why that appointment was necessary and now I think I’m scarred for life.”
“Poor baby,” I giggle. “Do you need me to sit on your cock now that I’ve been cleared, so I can show you just how perfect and tight it is?”
“I… yes. I think my mental health needs it.” He pouts even as he blushes.
“That’s not even slightly believable, man,” Turner snickers as he kisses me. “Two questions, Lavender. Are you hungry and are you excited for Tori and Tesa’s Halloween party tonight?”
“Yes and yes. I can’t tell you the last time we weren’t working Halloween,” I sigh as we move into the kitchen. Taking Saira from Derek when she reaches for me, I snuggle her to me.
Layla leans against the counter eating what looks to be fresh spring rolls. “We made you extra,” she says quickly. “These are amazing. Derek and I decided we wanted to experiment, and we made salmon spring rolls!”
Layla sounds so excited as she grabs me a plate and homemade sauce that it makes me grin. She hasn’t been able to experiment much on the road, and Atlas and Mav preferred to order out unless Roark was cooking.
“This looks amazing,” I tell her honestly as she sets it in front of me.
“We had fun.” Derek shrugs. “Orion sampled as we cooked.”
“I was no help,” he chuckles. “I decided to cheer them on from the sidelines instead. It is delicious though.”
Continuing to hold Saira, I pick up a spring roll and dip it in the sauce. Taking a bite, I moan as I chew.
“And now I know what my sister’s sex noises sound like,” Layla says, rolling her eyes. “Gross. Can y'all build me a little house out back so you can go back to fucking all over the place?”
“That’s not quite like her noises, but it’s pretty close,” Turner says seriously, thinking as if trying to place it. “Besides, there’s been no sex for weeks.”
“Turner!” Layla says with a laugh as he breaks down and cackles. “But for real, can I?”
“Sure.” I shrug. “Link is a contractor, we’ll go through him for it. Knowing him, it’ll be a McMansion of a cottage for Aunt Layla. You need your own space, and we’re happy to give it to you. I don’t really like the idea of you spending money to rent an apartment, only because we have all of this space.”
“I know. I mean, God, I’m so sheltered I didn’t even think about renting an apartment,” Layla groans.
“It’s not an awful thing,” Derek chimes in. “You’re famous, Lay, and people are fucking crazy. I don’t really like the idea of you moving to an apartment either.”
“I’ll talk to him about making a formal appointment tonight,” I tell her as I take another bite. Damn, these are good. “There’s a stigma about rockstars that unfortunately is true. We live in the public eye, which means that we need to be more careful.”
“It’s why I check every water bottle and I’m a bit of an asshole about security,” Turner says with a wince. “You shouldn’t have to live through being drugged or kidnapped by an insane fan before you take it seriously.”
“No, I appreciate that,” Layla says with a nod. “I just don’t really know anyone in this city either, outside of Tyler. I’m perfectly happy to live in a cute little cottage while we aren’t touring for my own space, while still being able to come raid your kitchen.”
“You’re welcome to the fridge’s contents.” Roark smirks. “You have a point too, you need your own space. We’ve been a bit crazy with the wedding, I haven’t had a chance to think about what comes next.”
“I mentioned it, I’m good,” she says with a smile as she polishes off her spring roll. “I’m pretty low maintenance. I know there are risks, I’ve seen it with my own eyes with Lennon. Tyler is very careful when we’re out too.”
“There are days when I wish we didn’t have to be so careful,” I sigh.
“I know, but it’s the world we live in. I’m already breaking out of my bubble a lot more than before,” Layla reminds us. “It’s nice to be able to tell you I’m leaving, and not get the third degree.”
“Well, tonight we are going to party and have a good time.” I grin. “What are you dressing up as?”
“Tyler is going to be Superman and I’m going to be Lois Lane,” Layla says shyly. “I’ve never done a couples costume before, so I’m excited.”
“Want to help me get dressed after I feed the kids? Also, in case my food moans weren’t an indicator, it was amazing,” I tell them.
Layla rolls her eyes while Derek puffs his chest proudly. “Derek has some magical powers in the kitchen,” she admits. “I also will take you up on the makeup help. Tonight will be fun! Are the babies dressing up?”