Page 67 of Endless Harmonies
“They are,” I say. At the moment they’re wearing onesies that say“Ew, the child you smell is me. Change my butt!”Turner and Roark both thought it was hysterical. “They’re going as grumpy old people. So Saira has a knit hat that looks like she’s wearing curlers and a cute romper with fake pearls, though we’ll see how long the necklace lasts. Devlin has a cute sweater set and pants with a little cap and a fake cane.”
“Stahp,” Layla squeals. “Damn, they’re going to be swarmed by the kids with how cute they’ll look.”
“Everyone thinks that you immediately become boring when you have kids,” Orion says, smirking. “I think they’re wrong.”
As I head upstairs with Layla who took Dev from Orion, I have to admit they’re wrong too. My life is busy and exciting with the twins, and even more full than before. It’s a good thing I have all of the help that I could ever ask for.
* * *
Looking in the mirror,I have to admit I did an amazing job. I even found colored contacts for tonight. But as I look down at the wig, I have misgivings.
“You look amazing,” Layla breathes with wide eyes. She never met my mother, and I’m worried that I’ll look too much like her.
“Thank you,” I tell her with a small smile. “So do you.”
The Lois Lane costume fits perfectly, and my sister looks incredible.
“I need to tell Derek something, will you ask him to come up?”
“Absolutely,” Layla says. Glancing at the kids, she smiles at them playing on the bed. There’s a million pillows all around them, so they’re safe. “Be right back.”
I lose myself in my thoughts as I look at my now-blue eyes. I thought it would be fun to dress up as Marilyn Monroe, but now I’m very unsure about this.
“Wow,” Derek murmurs from the doorway. Glancing up, I bite my lip.
“Is this going to be okay?” I ask, lifting the curled blonde wig. “I’ll wear something else if I look too much—”
“Like her?” Derek asks, coming in to cup my face. “Baby, your mom is dead. We both watched the light drain from her eyes. I snapped her neck. I think you look like my beautiful wife who is mine and sexy as hell.”
“Oh good,” I whisper. He becomes the only thing I see as I notice how earnest he looks.
“I promise, I’m good,” Derek murmurs as he brushes his lips along mine. “Now, I fully plan to have you ride my face at one point tonight fully dressed, Miss Monroe. I may really be into role play. Now let’s see the wig on.”
Feeling lighter, I pull the wig on. I’ve already fixed my long hair so it’ll be flat against my skull. I had to watch a YouTube video to figure it out.
“What do you think?” I ask in a breathy voice. Derek is wearing jeans, suspenders, nice shoes, and fake glasses. He’s dressed as a hot nerd, and I have to say that he nailed the look.
“Jesus, my cock is so hard my zipper is going to be indented into my skin, Lennon,” he groans. “I see you, and no one else. Dammit, I may fuck you outside later.”
Giggling, I turn to pick up Devlin while Derek coos at Saira as he pulls her into his arms.
“I have the cutest babies in the world,” he says as we walk downstairs to the rest of our family. We’re taking the tunnel to the house because it’s cold outside tonight.
Roark’s jaw drops as he sees me. “Goddamn, Lenny. You look gorgeous. A ringer for Marilyn Monroe,” he says.
The other guys kiss me and tell me how beautiful I am, while Layla looks knowingly. I think she has an idea of exactly why I was a little worried about this outfit. In a blink we’re on our way down to the basement and walking through the secret door to the tunnel.
Link and Greg did an incredible job with the safe room, and I hope it’s something I never have to use. The reality though, is that someone could break in, or a crazy fan could find out where we live. It just made sense to have a safe place.
The tunnel is lit with ensconced lighting, and we move down it quickly. It’s a wicked cool thing to have, and I’m glad Link and Greg worked together to make this happen. Our kids will enjoy this I’m sure as they get older.
Roark dressed as Robin Hood, and looks amazing with all of his arm and chest muscles showing. Orion decided to be a gangster which makes him look dapper and my panties wet, and finally Turner is coming as himself.
A rockstar. Leather pants, no shirt, and combat boots. This is an outfit that you’d usually find him in on stage, and it’s no less mouthwatering.
The door to Tesa and Tori’s basement is unlocked, and we walk right through. It’s a small party consisting mostly of family and close friends. Layla invited Tyler, asking him to meet her at their house.
Walking up the steps, I can hear Latin music playing, and my lips twitch in excitement. Tonight will be a lot of fun.