Page 17 of Admittedly For Me
“It wasn’t meant to be. Things happen for a reason. I got a Michelin Star out of it.” I push forward a laugh. “I found myself in recipes again.”
“I remember how it all started.” But she doesn’t know how it ended. “Ian was the only one who seemed to understand what you were going through.”
“I felt bad for taking time away from you two.”Even if she was prioritizing school over us.
“I asked him to be there for you. Plus, you know how busy I was with studying. I didn’t have much time to hang out with you either.”
“And it’s not weird that I’m hanging out with him now?” I don’t know why I feel the need to double-triple check. I guess a near guilty conscience is getting the best of me.
“You hanging out with my high school boyfriend? Please.” Her laughter echoes through the bathroom. “Emery, it’s a small town. People swapping exes is common. Slim pickings.” I cringe from her truth, but don’t want to stoop to the branding. “Plus, this is to plan my wedding with Ian’sbest friend.” I shrug, trying to find a loophole. “Emery, Ian and I weren’t as serious as you make us out to be.”
“It’s just the whole girl code thing.” I try to find the words as she smirks back at me.
“I knew you had feelings for him.” She pulls out her lip gloss as her eyes find mine. “If anything, I think youstillfeel something for him but are too closed off.”
“Hallie, I never said––” My head spins as I place my hands on Hallie’s bathroom counter to steady myself.
“You didn’t have to. I don’t know why things became weird between you and Ian. And I don’t need to. But I did honor girl code when you wanted to keep the move to Aspen between Quinn, Savannah and me.
“I live in Aspen. We’d never work.” Not that I even want us to. I fidget, shifting my body weight from each leg, and I push down the way he makes me feel once more.
“Even back then, you were suited for him more than I was,” she simply states. I bite my tongue, not sure what to respond with.
I plaster on a fake smile and finish applying my makeup. “I definitely need a few drinks at the bar tonight.”
“Along with your flings, you now consume alcohol regularly.” Her forehead creases as her eyes reflect concern. “As your best friend, I don’t fully approve.”
My makeup brush drops to the counter. “Well, my life is going great at the moment.”
“You’re angry, which makes sense with all the hurt you’ve been trying to ignore.” Holding my breath, my jaw clenches as her truth pierces my ears. I just want to forget.
“Now you’re sounding like Aunt Quinn and her psychological analysis.” Not needing another light intervention, I zip up my makeup bag and walk back into the room to find an outfit.
“She’s a smart woman.” Hallie laughs. “I just love you, Emery, and want you to be happy.”
“Cooking makes me happy. So, I do lots of it.” I keep my attention on a handful of shirts I tossed in my bag.
“Alright.” She sighs, knowing I’m going to shut down any moment if she presses for more questions. “Are you coming back here tonight? I don’t know how late I’m staying.”
“Yeah, my aunt is having Carson over. They aren’t the soundtrack I want in my ears.” We laugh and finish getting ready before climbing into her car and heading out for the evening.
The Painted Pony packs in people like sardines as we enter. I feel my smile grow as the music starts to pump through me. For a confidence boost, I opted for dark smoky eyes, tight jeans, and a low-cut green top. Every step is a confident stride as my hips sway. “Come on, Hallie, name you poison.” I slap my hand on the bar.
“Emery.” Her eyes widen, waiting for me to clue in. “Thismamawill have a ginger ale.”
“Oh, right!” I yell over the music and order myself a double Jameson.
Music pulses through me as the tempo syncs with the lights. Hallie and I reach the dance floor through a crowd, and her yelp catches my attention. Justin takes Hallie’s hand and pulls her into him with an impressive spin. People sway, knocking into me, and I dodge a drink spilling on my shoulder just in time. Others are townspeople who I’ve tried to avoid throughout high school and pray they don’t call out my name. Hallie ditches Justin and takes my hand as we dance. The mix of club music and country line dancing is bizarre but refreshing. We share a few dances before she leans into my ear.
“I’m taking off after this next dance. I will leave the door unlocked for you unless you want to leave with Justin and I now.”
“No, I’m actually enjoying myself,” I say over the music. “I haven’t had a night out in a few months because I usually work nights.” Plus, a one-night stand might help take the edge off my sexual frustration.
“Okay, love you! Be safe.” Hallie hugs me and takes off with Justin.Be safe.I laugh to myself and head back to the bar for another double. Beechwood Falls’ extent of breaking news is if someone’s dog is missing. After my shot, I return to the dance floor. This second double quickly kicks in, and a pair of hands land on my waist. Fingertips dig into my hips in a firm manner, his face burying in my neck as he grunts. I’ve come across assertive men before and never had an issue. I don’t mind dominance, but I’ve never had a skin-crawling shiver from their touch like his. Especially since he hasn’t even said hello or asked if I’m interested. My hips halt as unease races through me. I try to turn out of his grip, but his teeth bite my shoulder.
“Hey!” I yell over the music. “What the hell are you doing?” I take a deep breath, trying to stop this woozy, tipsy feeling.
One hand travels up my breasts in an assaulting manner as his other pulls me tighter against him. “Let’s get out of here.”His strong grip moves to my upper arm, pulling away from the dance floor. I’m dragged toward the secluded back bathrooms.