Page 18 of Admittedly For Me
“Stop!” My heart pounds as I look around for anyone to notice us. “Leave me alone,” I try to yell, but my voice is a letdown. This night is no longer fun.
His tainted, stale mouth meets my neck. “Don’t fight it. You want this,” he growls, biting down.
My vision doubles as my head floats in alcohol. I feel myself squint hard to blink dramatically. As if that will sober me with enough force to push a man twice my size away. His lips meet the vein that I know he can feel, pulsing with fear. A victorious chuckle erupts through him as his hands cling to my shoulders. I can barely compute that we made it into the bathroom until I’m caged against the sink, staring at us both in the reflection. This is not a sight I want to witness head on. I glance down at the faucet, trying to figure out an easy enough escape, until his hand meets my throat.
“Watch us, little lady.” I listen in fear of him squeezing my throat too hard. He reeks of cigars and cheap whiskey. Where is the group of women always hanging out in the bathroom when you need them? Tears prick my eyes, and I search through any scenario to free me from here. His chest locks me in place as his hand leaves my neck and meets my hip. My skin crawls with disgust as he reaches around the front of me to unbutton my jeans.
I know stomping on his toe in defense will do no harm when I’m a hundred and seven pounds and heavily intoxicated. My last hope is if he turns me around so I can knee his groin. I’m flexible enough to kick him, but my head feels like I’m floating.
“Why d-don’t we gooo ta your plaaace?” I beg in a failed seductive tone. Fuck, I’m too sloshed to even take control by speaking.
“As if I haven’t heard that before.” His breath brings bile to my throat, and I hear the clink of his belt unfasten. Is he really this bold without even taking me into a stall?
“Stop it!” Begging the music not to mask my voice, I scream with all my energy, feeling my lungs deflate.
“She said stop,” the roaring voice of a savior yells as the door flies open.
His weight vacates me, and as I grab onto the sink to stabilize myself, an arm wraps around me. My back meets a tall, firm chest. Before my vision can focus, I see the creep’s head held against the mirror.
Relief instantly floods through me, and for once, I might cry. With a deep breath, the smell of the person behind me calms me. My eyes meet the bloody face of the man who will now have me testifying against him as he’s helpless against the now cracked mirror. I attempt to steady my shaky breaths and follow the arm holding the man’s head. I want to vomit, and not from the alcohol.
Of course, raging blue eyes clash with mine, throwing me more off balance. Ian once again swoops in take care of me. I have no doubt he’ll want to talk about tonight, but I just want to rid this from my memory and store it with everything else I try to forget. As I take a step to the side, away from Ian, he lets me lean against the wall to collect myself.
“I ne-need air.” I push off the wall.
“Emery, wait,” Ian says, as the guy against the mirror grunts.
“Air.” My hand rests on the door frame.
“I’ll be out in a second.” As Ian’s now distracted with the creep, I leave the bathroom.
My hand traces the wall, all the way down the hall toward the bar's entrance. How I’m even walking at this point blows my mind. Maybe I’m actually floating down this hall like the graceful dancer I once was…
“Hey, watch it!” someone says as I feel a bump on my shoulder.
“S-sorry?” I’m not as graceful as I imagined. My hand guides me to the swinging saloon doors at the front. I stumble forward, letting go of the wall, and grab the door. With a deep breath, I steady myself before heading to the parking lot to rest for minute, before I walk to Hallie’s. Thankfully, she’s only a few minutes away. I don’t trust being alone with the one of the town’s new taxi drivers at this point.
The air is warm, but the slight breeze helps sober me. I blink a few times, trying to weave my way through the cars. Tonight did not go the way I had planned. But that’s the story of my life. Adrenaline rushes through my veins as my arms begin to tingle. My hand reaches to my back pocket to make sure I still have my phone. Thank goodness. Looking down, I watch my hands shake. I can’t tell if I want to cry or laugh at the irony of tonight.
My head spins as I rest against a vehicle. I curse under my breath and know if I really had to, I could have found a way to get out of that situation. I guess portraying and giving off the energy of the easy girl finally caught up to me. Maybe my friends are right and I need to lay off the drinking. I didn’t want Ian to see that side of me tonight. The scared and vulnerable girl once again. Anger tightens in my stomach, wishing I would have left with Hallie and enjoyed the rest of the evening making a happier memory.
“Good.” Speaking of the devil, Ian’s voice echoes through the air. “I see you’ve found my truck.”
“You did-didn’t neeeed to save me,” I hiss, trying to peel myself away from this door. “Coulda handled it.”
“Yeah, you looked like you could have.” He inhales sharply through his nose, and I expect him to yell at me for being that drunk in a bar. “Are you hurt?” His voice is soft and full of worry.
“Betterrrr than the guy’s f-face you smasshhhed against the mirror.” I straighten my posture and try to take a step past him. “Niiight.”
“You can’t stand properly without me or my truck supporting you.”His hand steadies my shoulders as I give in and lean back against his truck.
“Why are you here?”
“Justin and I own the bar. They said you were here alone, and I wanted to check on things,” he replies. “We need to tighten security.”
“I’m twenny-threee. Don’t need a babysitterrr.” I point my finger at him with a sloppy arm and instantly regret it. “I’m an aduuult.” I am way past my alcohol limit to save my ass.
“An adult who makes rookie moves.” Gah, why does he have to move so much?