Page 30 of Admittedly For Me
“We? Dinner for two?” I watch her raise her eyebrows, waiting for the reveal of the other guest. I give none. “Okay, then. Don’t tell me. I’ll use my imagination,” she sing-songs, shooting me a wink. “See you later.”
I reach my hands up and clasp them together in a long stretch. The sides of my ribs slowly expand as I lean from side to side. I spend the next few minutes stretching and mentally processing the past twenty-four hours. Kissing Ian has been nothing but torture for my body. Getting myself off did nothing to relieve me. All I can think about are his strong hands on every part of me. The way his grip in my hair was a painful pleasure as he moved my neck to the side and how he bit that spot of sensitive skin. God, his primal assertiveness is hot.
One thing I did learn about myself years ago was that I craved his dominance. How he demanded respect and witnessing the little gestures of how Hallie washiswhen we were in public. The way he held her face when they’d kiss and how he’d always hold her close when we would party by the lake. Hallie mentioned a few times how controlling he was in bed, and while she wasn’t into that, it piqued my interest.
I shake my head and no longer have an appetite for all this food. Groaning, annoyed with myself, I begin to wash the dishes. I could go for my hands pinned above my head right about now.I’m sure I can push him enough to break his rule.Tying my hair up, I bend to find Tupperware in the bottom cupboard.
Heat and humidity flow through the kitchen as the screen door opens. “Good morning.” Ian’s surprised voice fills the room.Perfect timing.I stand and turn around as his eyes travel from my bare feet to my shorts that could pass as underwear, and land on the baggy long-sleeve half off my shoulder. “Cute morning attire.”
Was this attire worn on purpose?Maybe.But my messy bun and soft, innocent smile can make it look coincidental. “I guess,” I reply, and make my way to head out of the kitchen.
He steps in front of the kitchen entryway and stops against the narrow opening. Standing still with a challenging smirk. If I don’t want to walk around through the living room to get to the other side, I have to brush past him.
“Excuse you.” I squeeze through, knocking his arm with my shoulder. He quietly chuckles, igniting my aggravation. I playfully kick my leg up, and stumble back as he grabs my ankle. In one quick move, he pulls me in, wrapping one arm around my waist as I do the splits against him.
His hooded eyes burn through me as his voice drops.
“I bet you want me to follow through with the thoughts playing through my mind.” He releases my ankle, helping me steady on my feet.
“Maybe not with everyone around, but yeah,” I throw back, breathless, and feel my panties growing wet.
“I guess only time will tell.” Smirking, he reaches above me for a mug.
“Oh, no. You don’t get to do this ‘my house is your house’kind of thing.” I shake my head.
“Your aunt told me that my crew and I could help ourselves to coffee.” He bends down to my eye level. “She’s kind of the boss.”
“Well, I don’t see her here. I believe that makes me in charge.”
“You want to be the one on top? I like it.” His eyes dance mischievously as I pin him with a glare. “Denying me coffee is a little uptight, Emery.”
“Fine,” I huff. “The caffeine may help you work faster so I don’t have to keep waking up to your face.”
“You wouldn't have a voice left to sass me if you woke up next to me.” He keeps his distance as my arms cross for comfort. Now would be the time for me to argue back. To tell him to fuck himself and get back to work, because I’m not dropping another wall for him just so I can ride his dick. My jaw tenses. The thought of giving him a tad morehascrossed my mind after the kiss, and I hate that. Goosebumps surface my skin, and I can’t blame it on the temperature. My skin craves his touch.
“If you want to discuss last night at some point, or take it further, I’ll be right here,” I say as Rhett walks in momentarily, breaking our moment.
“Thank you for the coffee, Emery.” Ian’s voice is overdramatized, as if there’s nothing for the workers to see. “That is very kind of you.”
My front door opens, and Savannah leaps toward me, wrapping me in a hug. “I’mbaaack,” she sings, but her eyes look drained.
“Hey, sweet thing,” Ian greets, nudging her shoulder. “How was the weekend with your lover?”
“Was Landon surprised to see you?” I ask, as she tightens her arms around me.
“Umm.” She pulls back as her eyes glass over. “His other girlfriend was surprised too.”
“Other?!” I feel my body paralyze, and my stomach sink, taken back to the moment I walked in on Ryan and my roommate.
“Shit. That sucks.” Ian quickly pours his coffee with a wince.
“How dare he fucking cheat on you,” I practically seethe as I feel my blood boil.
“I don’t want to talk about it right now. We have Hallie and Justin’s mixed bachelorette party at Rhett's tonight.” Savannah takes a deep breath. “You and I can forget boys together and do shots.”
“I’m trying to limit my liquor for a while, Savannie.” Glancing off to the side, I catch a glimpse of Ian’s muscle flex as he pours milk into the mug.
“Right. I heard about Ian saving your ass the other night at his bar.”