Page 29 of Admittedly For Me
“Hello?” she answers the phone breathlessly. “No, I didn’t check my phone all day.” She pauses, running the side of her thumb over her swollen, wet lip. “Yeah, no problem, Hallie. I will be there in ten minutes.”
As she hangs up, I take a cautious step toward her. She watches my feet, but I need her eyes to tell their truth. “We don’t need to talk about what just happened if you need to go.” I break the silence.
“There is nothingtotalk about.” Her shoulder brushes mine as she walks past me, out of the kitchen. “We got caught up in the moment. Send me a text if you’d like to finish what we started.” She adjusts her dress, bringing her eyes to mine. “That was one hell of a kiss, and I’d like more.”
“Still not the type ofmoreI’m wanting, Emery.” I watch a tinge of regret fill her. “I’m not sorry I kissed you. But you’ll have to give me a little more of you before we re-visit the last five minutes. Andnotphysically.”
“Right.” Her eyes dart around the room, unsure of how to respond. “At least there are nowhat ifsnow.” Slipping on her flip-flops, she brings a finger to her lips. “That kiss is most likely all you’ll get from me, if that’s your stipulation.” Her teeth pull at her bottom lip.Her same anxious habit rearing up again. “I can’t allow myself to get caught up with you.”
“Can’t or won’t?”
“I-I have to go see Hallie.” She shakes her head and grabs her keys.
I nod and don’t press for more. “Sorry about the plates. I can clean them up.”
“Don’t worry about them.” She opens the door to usher me out. “Let’s go.”
Taking the long way home, I replay this evening. Emery’s vulnerability shines through her masquerade of having everything under control. She puts on such a front for everyone not to worry about her. It annoys me more than it should.
I know it’s not my place to fix this tiny fireball, and she needs to want to help herself. But I want to help ignite her so she can blaze through life as bright as she can.
I flipthe omelet in the pan as the waffle machine dings. Shutting off the stovetop, I open the oven to check on the fresh bread that should be just about done. The raspberry jam is cooling by the sink, and all I need to do is finish my homemade whipping cream for the waffles.
Beeping from a work truck pulls me out of my trance. I miss my job. It’s only been a week and a half away from my apartment above the restaurant, but all these emotions have me cooking enough food for the entire neighborhood. I miss the mundane routine and structure of my days, surrounded by work, fitness, and basic daily adult chores. I miss living in the absence of feelings. The hurt and confusion this town holds are hitting full force. And God, that kiss with Ian is still tingling on my lips—and the lower parts of my body. The one person who I can slightly open up to can’t be granted the possibility to hurt my heart. Things need to stay strictly casual if we act on it again.
I yawn and pour a second cup of coffee. Sleep has been non-existent. Hallie interrupted this kiss with having wedding dress doubts, keeping Savannah and me at her place to help for a couple of hours, then throw in my thoughts of kissing Ian and where it could have escalated, I was up even longer.
“Do you really have to leave?” Aunt Quinn enters the kitchen, wide-eyed over all the food. “It’s not even eight in the morning, and you have enough food to feed Rhett and Ian’s entire team.”
“Hmm, maybe they’ll have more energy to get the job done quicker.”
“Emery, they’re not that much of a disruption to us.” My aunt dips her pinky into the jam. “After breakfast, I’m heading to the flower shop to help Allison get the arrangements in order for Hallie’s wedding.”
“I saw the budget Hallie put toward all the flowers.” It’s crazy how much she is obsessed with flowers. “Everything will look beautiful, but they’re just going to die after.”
“At least their relationship will last a lifetime.” She smiles, patting my foot.
“So why care about flowers?” Florists are smart with their career choice. Whether it’s a happy or sad event, they’ve got a flower for it.
“Because she can do what she wants.” I hand her a plate of food, and she shimmies her shoulders. Why did I have to glance at an older photo of my mom and me when I was walking down the stairs this morning? Seeing my mother’s smile in real time pinches my heart.
“Right.” It seems more logical to spend the money on an extended honeymoon instead of flowers, but it’s not my wedding.
“Emery,” my aunt says with a mouthful of food, like she can’t wait another few seconds. “This food would bring the tourists in alone.”
I give her a look that says, “don’t start.” I’m pretty sure staying in this town would completely break me at some point, and I’m just not ready for that.
“Fine, I’ll stop annoying you about staying.” She finishes up her breakfast and gets ready to leave. Walking to the door, she pauses. Her eyes narrow, burning through me, searching for answers. I clear my throat, growing uncomfortable with her silence. She tilts her head nonchalantly, but I can see there is a motive. “Did Hallie or Savannah stop by last night when Carson and I left?”
“Savannah is out of town. I went over to Hallie’s after dinner.” I rack my brain, hoping she didn’t get security house cameras and watch a play-by-play of last night. “Why?”
“There were broken plates in the garbage and a half-eaten cupcake smashed against the counter.” If this is her best attempt to bite back a smirk, it’s a good thing she didn’t go into acting.
“We, ugh, dropped the plates by accident,” I stammer. There is no denying we are both terrible at this game. “Sorry, Aunt Quinn.”