Page 47 of Blurry Little Lines
I head out the glass doors, taking a deep breath. The smoggy city air has never felt so revitalizing. This is the start of a new me. I love her. My giddy heart tugs a smile to my lips. I rescheduled my work meetings, and the afternoon is now mine. My smile drops as I see Benson leaning against a light post as his eyes track me. Didn’t we just set ourselves free from each other? I scowl with each step approaching him. He pushes off the post to greet me.
“I just wanted to make sure you didn’t break an ankle walking down the stairs in those stripper heels.” He shoots me his smug asshole grin.
“Valentino doesn’t market to strippers.” I cross my arms against my chest and regret it as his eyes watch my breasts perk up. “It’s pathetic that you were waiting for me.” I roll my eyes. “Do you need me to fork over some bus change for you too?” His eyes widen at my sass.
“You look good, Kels.” Benson licks his lips and dips his eyes down to my low-cut blouse under my work blazer. “You seem to be doing really well.”
“Losing a hundred and seventy pounds of selfish arrogance will do that to a person.” I take a brave step closer to him, trying to assert my dominance.
“You’ve gotten bold with your disrespect.” His tone drops and brings forward the lustful look I had always yearned for during our marriage.
“This is coming from the man who never tried hard enough to pull a cry of pleasure from my body.” I push out a small laugh of disbelief as Benson glances around to see if any passersby caught wind of the truth.
“You’re the only chick to have that problem, so I doubt it’s me.” He steps closer, as his suit jacket brushes against mine. “We can try to rectify your issue right now if you’d like.” His tone drops. “I’d like to punish that mouth of yours with something too.” Before I had slept with Max, I have no doubt that I would have given in to Benson.
My heart was desperate to do anything to keep my ex-husband. I feel my body light up with his offer, but it’s not Benson’s hands I want to punish me in a blissful way. His bold nerve does nothing but nauseate me and drive me to hate him more. This man will never get the chance to hold me again. I know at this moment this is our last conversation. It better fucking count. I regret my deep breath as his scent consumes me. His tongue darts out across his lips as they drift to mine pursed out.
“You had years to prove your skills. I’m done with your quick dick.” I hold strong conviction in my voice and place my hands on my hips. “The kids and I are doing fine without you.” I step to the side to leave.
“None of you miss me?” He steps to the side to block me. “That was quick.”
“Just like your dick.” I giggle to myself. “In all seriousness, the kids don’t miss you after the years of you conditioning them to live without you. You’d be gone for months without a single phone call. They were thrilled with your visits for your convenience, but they grew to never need you.” His hands rest on my shoulders as if he doesn’t want me to storm off. “You’re completely free like you wanted. You never have to see their happy little faces again.”
“Maybe I made a mistake.” My heart can’t take this. The nerve of this man.
“You don’t like to see me thriving without you, Benson.” The flashbacks of him tearing our daughter’s heart out haunt me and threaten to paint the sidewalk with vomit. “You made it very clear this past year when you stopped loving me.”
“Come on, one more round in the bedroom as a final goodbye. Let me show you what you’ve been missing.” I step back, ready to smack him with this leather legal folder hosting our divorce. “I miss your soft body moving against mine.”
“Are you shitting me, Benson?” I keep my voice a little louder than normal. “Actually, I’m having better sex with myself than I ever had with you. Our papers are signed, as per your request.” I lift the folder, giving his arm a small whack. “Stay the hell out of my life.” I begin to walk away and turn around for a last word. “I love the version of me that is no longer tied to you.”
“Fine!” he calls back. “Katherine reached out this morning anyway and wanted to get drinks tonight. I’ll be thinking of you as I make her come.”
“You think you’re super, but you amount to nothing more than The Flash.” With that, I strut down the street with adrenaline flooding my veins.
Each step up the stairs makes me cringe as I catch another whiff of his cologne. Benson clearly likes to be known, and I desperately need to shower and burn this outfit. I hold my latte up to my nose to cleanse it with something less nauseating. My head feels heavy from this mental drainage and my heart pangs with how Katherine always seems on the prowl for my seconds. Not only for work, but men too. Whatever, I shouldn’t feel sorry, knowing she’ll be left unsatisfied. I’m in need of a nap before picking up the kids from school. Exhaustion has taken a strong toll over the past two days, and I’m thankful it’s Friday.
I open my door to a shirtless Max doing handstand push-ups. For a second, my brain forgets everything this past hour. His arm muscles are ripped, and his flexed abs cause my core to clench with need.So much for only thinking of him as a friend.I take a sip of my latte in an attempt to channel my frustration. Too bad he made it clear he is finished with repeats.
I’m going to miss watching him do this after Sunday. Max smiles when he sees me and walks over. As the sun shines through the window and hits his tan skin and highlights the golden hue to his hair, I’m rendered speechless. Gah, why does he have to be this hot? I set my bag down and as I catch yet another whiff of Benson’s scent on me, I know Max has too. I smile and put my dimples on full display with hope to distract him, but fat chance.
“Where were you?” He steps into me as I falter backward and rest my back on the front door.
“I grabbed a coffee on my break.” I look down and distract myself by removing my heels, but maybe I should have kept my height instead of feeling smaller than I already do emotionally.
“Kelsie.” Max’s dominant voice is sharp. I set the large legal folder on the entry table, unable to form a response.
“Max,” I whisper, no longer making eye contact.
“You smell like him.” The distaste in his mouth is strong.
“My divorce finalization was moved to today, and I didn’t want to tell anyone that Benson was back in town.” I talk a mile a minute, as if I’m going to be in trouble. “I put him in his place when he offered to give me one last round in the sheets.” Max takes a deep breath and pulls out his phone. “Benson said he had plans with Katherine tonight anyway. God, that bitch is so desperate to be me.” I clutch my coffee, knowing I have power over myself. “At least, as of today, I’m no longer tied to him.” His thumbs type vigorously away, and I hear his text send off. “What are you doing?” Has he even been listening to a word I’ve said?
“Canceling my lunch plans.” My lips part as his face says exactly what he wants to do. “I need to fuck his filth off you.”
“The other day you said–”
“I fucking lied. I made a stupid joke that wasn’t even funny.” His wide, pleading eyes tell me he is speaking the truth. “I need a repeat of the other night like my life depends on making you come.”