Page 25 of Broken By Sin
“Yes, Quintin is–wasmy handler and I think he used me to get to you.”
“You fucking prick,” Royal seethes but I ignore him.
“Chanel, listen to me. I think Quintin is the one who sent you those pictures and set Owen up to take the fall for my brother's murder.”
“That makes no sense. He’s a fucking fed,” Havoc hisses. I turn to him and shake my head at his stupidity, this fucker doesn’t get it.
“Quintin is the only one who knew where the fuck I was. He is the one who helped me conceal my brother’s identity so no one would know. Yes, rumors circulated about theDraugurbut that’s all they were until someone ratted me out.”
“Sucks when you're the one being ratted on, doesn’t it?” Royal snarks. I grit my teeth and try to tamper my anger. I want to storm over to that table and beat the shit out of Quintin, then put a bullet in his head for what he did to my brother and planned to do to my family. He fucking betrayed me!
“Xav, I need you and Ro to get me all the intel you can on Q,” I say to my guys. They both voice their agreement and say they will put in a call. I look at Chanel and shoot her a pleading look before I say, “I need to get into his office. If there is a master list with the files of your family and his intel on the Albanians, as well as those pictures of your mother, they will be in his office.”
“I want every scrap of evidence you have against my family,” she says in a tone that leaves no room for argument.
“Yeah, that is going to take some time since he works out of the head office and that shit is locked down tight.”
“But I thought you wereDraugur?” Royal taunts, earning a side sneer from me. Chanel shifts and pulls her gaze from me to look at her cousin. The resolute look in her eyes has me feeling uneasy.
“Now's my chance. I’ll get it done,” she says before brushing past me. I try to reach for her but fucking Havoc is there pulling me back and growling in my ear.
“You make a scene and you’ll blow all of our covers. Live up to the name they call you and be a fucking ghost before you get her killed.” I watch as the woman who has occupied my thoughts for years sways her hips, as she walks toward the cunt who killed my brother. She hypnotizes every man in this room as she makes her way toward Halil and Quintin. She radiates sex appeal without even trying. She is deadly in her normal daily clothes but dressed like she is, she is fucking lethal.
Havoc slowly releases me. I can feel him and Royal staring at me, waiting to see what I will do. Part of me wants to throw her over my shoulder and storm out of here so I can fuck some sense into her, but Chanel would shoot me in the dick if I did that. The other part of me knows she can handle herself, that this is the best chance I have of taking down the fucker who killed my brother and exposing the mole. Omar and Q’s conversation ceases the moment they spot the beauty walking toward them.
“Get the fuck off the dance floor, people are staring!” Romeo’s words snap me out of my stupor. I hustle from the floor and claim one of the tables at the back, not giving a fuck if I’m sitting in someone’s seat. I have her in my sights and that’s all that matters. Her cousins and Erika join me at the table. Ro and Xav let me know they are going to circle around since Q has no idea who they are. Both Q and Omar climb to their feet and place a kiss to either side of Chanel’s cheeks, forcing me to grip the edge of the table or risk flying out of my chair to smack the cunts for touching her. Omar pulls a chair out, Q drops his hand to her lower back and guides her into the seat.
“You just gonna let those fuckers paw at your cousin?” I grit out through clenched teeth. Havoc shakes his head. Royal turns to face me and the emotionless mask he wears reminds me of his father.
“No one lets Sin do anything. If she didn’t want them touching her, then they wouldn’t be. Don’t think for a second that just because you fucked her that you own her. She is our blood, our family. She belongs to theMemento Moriand will never belong to you.”
“You don’t know shit.”
“The only reason I didn’t end you is because you can erase what the feds have on my family and help take out the Albanians. Sin marking you had nothing to do with it. I am the Don of this family and mark my words, Kacey Vaughn, mark or not I will end you if you ever put her in danger or try to play her again. I knew something happened two years ago. She changed and started blocking me out. I will never allow a piece of shit like you to hurt her again. If she chooses to kill you, then we will deal with the fallout, because that is what she means to me.”
“The fuck is that supposed to mean?” I growl.
“Does she mean enough to you to cross the line your moral compass says you shouldn’t, forher?”
I open my mouth but snap it closed, because I don’t know how to answer that. Would I throw away everything I have worked my whole life for?
“You’re a fucking pathetic excuse of a human.” My eyes widen as I turn to look at Erika, both Royal and Havoc are staring at her in shock.
“Excuse me?” I rasp out.
“You can’t answer his question about risking it all for a woman you claim to love and yet, she risked it all for you without having to be asked. Chanel put her fucking life on the line for you. She risked everything to help you, but you can’t even risk a fucking parking ticket for her.” I frown at the bitch. She doesn’t know and has no fucking right to judge. “You don’t deserve her,” She mutters as she turns away to look in the direction of Chanel. I can feel the judgment radiating off of the three of them and I fucking hate that shit. They have no idea what the fuck I went through, so I keep my eyes on my girl who is playing her part well and tell them what I did to keep her safe.
“When I first met Chanel, I had no idea who she was.” I feel their gazes on me but ignore them. “I saw her across the quad at UNLV and thought she was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen in my life.” Her cousins snort but I push on. “In my line of work, distractions can cost you your life, so I never pursued her. Days went by and I started to notice her more and more. She was never like the others who would dress for attention and show you everything their momma gave them. She was reserved and never mingled. I only ever saw her talking to both of you and Chaos. One day we bumped into each other in the library and then things just took on a life of their own.”
“How the fuck did you find out who she really was?” Havoc asks.
“She became my obsession. Q started to notice that I wasn’t sending updates regularly on Rico anymore and demanded to know why. My job has always been my first priority but with her, it wasn’t important anymore. I wanted to become Connor Ryker forher. I only found out who she was the night I went to meet her and overheard her speaking to Royal on the phone about her parents. Once I heard their names I knew instantly who she was and told Q.”
“Fucking bitch ass snitch,” Royal growls out.
“Quintin wanted me to flip her but I refused. I couldn’t do that to her so I told him I would continue to try to flip Rico and keep tabs on her knowing she would lead me to you three. Q agreed but when I stopped updating him all together, he knew I had fallen for my mark. He wanted to pull me straight away but then there was no one else who could do the job as good as me. The night she found out who I was, I left. I nearly lost my job because I refused to hand in my report on her.”
“Why?” Erika asks. I pull my eyes from my girl who is laughing at something Q said and look at Erika.