Page 26 of Broken By Sin
“She thought I lied about everything and maybe I did, but I never lied about how I felt about her. I fell in love with my mark. I was chained to my desk for over a year until the Albanians became too much of a problem and they needed me to do my thing. I brought their organizations down–well, we thought we did but turns out we were wrong. That mistake cost me the life of my brother.” Regret churns inside me as I say that aloud. I thought my job was everything until it cost me the woman I love and my brother. Now I’m not sure I wouldn’t say fuck it to my moral compass and do whatever I needed to in order to save the one person who still takes my breath away the moment she walks into a room.
“You are far too beautiful to be here on your own.” I bat my lashes and smile coyly at Omar, acting like the perfect meek bitch. Fuckers like these two love it when a woman submits to them, it makes them feel powerful. Pathetic.
“My uncle left me no choice but to accompany him, only for him to get held up and leave me here on my own. Sorry, if I’m imposing…” I attempt to stand but Quintin places a hand on my bare shoulder and pushes me back into my seat.
“You are far from imposing, sweetheart. My friend and I were forced to listen to the mayors speak about how big their dicks are for over an hour, so believe me when I say, we are grateful to have you here with us.” I force a blush to my cheeks and release the most disgusting girlish giggle that they eat up. As much as I would love to slit Quintin’s throat for what he did to Kacey’s brother, he isn’t the one I’m after tonight. Omar is my target, but I am going to slip my card into Q’s pocket tonight before he leaves because that bastard is marked already, even if he doesn’t know it.
“What does your uncle do?” Omar asks. I roll my eyes and act the part of an airhead who only cares about money and not what someone does.
“He works in some big office doing paperwork for powerful people or something like that. I don’t know. All I do know is that I get a hefty allowance each month. My parents dying was a blessing, they couldn’t afford shit, but Uncle Henry can.” I feel like an utter bitch for speaking like this but I have a part to play. I have to prove to Royal he can still count on me to get shit done. Omar snags some flutes of champagne from a waiter as he passes by and hands me one. I only take a sip because I have watched him the entire time since he snagged them. I wouldn’t put it past these fuckers to slip something into my drink. I nurse my same glass as Q and Omar continue to drink excessively. Each time a waiter passes by I make sure to grab them each a glass. After the sixth glass, I decided to ask a waiter to bring us three glasses of whiskey neat.
I may not be able to handle the taste of champagne but I sure as fuck can knock a whiskey back and keep up with the big boys. Chaos is useless at killing and hunting but the man is a pro at hacking and drinking. I learned everything I needed to know about handling my booze from him. Which is why, two hours later I am still sober and my two friends here are slurring and swaying in their seats. The entire time I have sat here with these two, I’ve felt Kacey’s eyes on me. Omar leans in closer to me and places a meaty hand on my thigh under the table and tries to whisper something in my ear but I can’t hear a word he says over the sound of glass shattering behind me. I turn to look over my shoulder. Omar takes that as a hint to kiss me and I lift my hand ready to nail this fucker, but then remember where I am.
I ignore the sound of shit shattering and the sounds of gasps around the room as I allow this fucker to kiss me. I fight the urge not to gag. The moment his tongue prods my lips I pull back and smile at him, whilst blinking rapidly acting like his kiss stunned me stupid for a moment.
“Want to get out of here?” he whispers, his rancid breaths washing over me and I fight not to recoil from the stench.
“You two kids have fun, I got shit to do,” Quintin says as he climbs to his feet. I follow his lead ignoring the frown from Omar. I don’t think, I quickly pull him in for a hug as I discreetly pull a card that I have stashed in the waistband of my thong and slip it into his pocket. Quintin turns and leaves as Omar climbs up behind and places a hand on the swell of my ass and ushers me forward. It takes everything inside me not to rip his hand off me and break every one of his fingers. I flick my gaze to the side and spot Royal and Havoc holding Kacey against the wall as he rages against their hold.
“Fuck, I can’t wait to get you out of this dress.” A shiver of disgust rolls through me at Omar’s words. The fucker mistakes that shiver for want and grins smugly. On our way out, I spot Romeo who gives a subtle nod, we stand outside as the valet leaves to retrieve Omar’s car. I want to snort when a Rolls Royce pulls up, of course the fucker owns one of these.
Clearly, he is overcompensating for his little dick, I think as I slip inside and claim the passenger seat. I expected him to have a driver, but I was wrong. He climbs behind the wheel. I force myself to remain silent and not comment on the amount he has had to drink or the fact that he is drunk. On the way out, I spot Benny in a Range Rover—he pulls out just behind us. I’m not worried, Royal has trackers implanted on all of us so he would be able to find me anywhere. I know my dad and uncle would be tracking my every move as well. Omar makes small talk the whole way to his penthouse. He boasts about how amazing his view is and how he has connections to so many different celebs, and if I wanted to model, he would be happy to manage me. I smile, nod and play my part when in truth all I want to do is stab this fucker.
We pull up out front of a swanky looking place. A valet opens my door and helps me out as Omar rounds the car. He shoots the young valet a dirty look, before gripping my wrist. He drags me inside after him. I try not to bristle at the way he is manhandling me. I keep repeating to myself that the moment we get inside his penthouse, I can put the fucker down. The second the elevator doors close the bastard is on me, licking my neck and pawing at my tits. I grind my teeth so fucking hard my jaw begins to ache from the force of it. The moment his hand drops and he cups my pussy, I lose it.
My father always taught me to never allow a man to assume they have a right to touch me. He made sure from a young age that I was able to protect myself. Gripping his hand, I wrench it back. He shouts in pain as he pulls back. I jab him in the throat and relish in the strangled sound that comes from him. He drops to his knees and I release his hand, landing an elbow to the top of his head, causing him to sway. I don’t relent, cocking my arm back and hit him right in the nose. The bastard falls to the side in a heap just as the doors open. Growling out my annoyance, I grab his arms and heave his fat ass out of the elevator with every ounce of strength I have. Before the doors can close, I grab his keycard from his pocket and toss it into the lift, knowing the others will be downstairs waiting.
Sure enough just as I get this fucker out of the entryway and into his zoo of a living room Royal and the others arrive. My eyes widen when Royal and Havoc are shoved aside and Kacey comes barreling toward me. He grips my face between his hands. I smack his hands away and jump back a step glaring at him. The bastard has the audacity to scowl down at me.
“The fuck was that shit, Chanel?” Kacey shouts. My brows raise as I stare up at him in stupor.
“Idiot,” I hear Havoc mutter from behind us as he grabs an unconscious Omar and shoves him into a seat to tie down.
“Who the fuck do you think you are? You don’t get to come in here and throw your weight around—”
“Oh, but any cunt is welcome to put their hands all over you like some cheap escort?” My anger snaps, without warning I hit him across the jaw forcing him to stagger back.
“You ever call me a fucking whore again and I’ll break your jaw,” I grit out. His eyes spit fire at me as he rubs his cheek.
“Oh, baby, I know you’re not a whore. The only cock you’ve ever had is mine.” My eyes widen as the sounds of gasps and choking sound out around the room from my cousins, Ro, Xav, Benny and Erika. “I said you were an escort, there is a big difference between the two professions, baby.” This smug motherfucker is about to get his ass handed to him.
“No, in your line of work you just use people and then get them killed.” It’s a low blow, I know it is, but he needs to learn that I am not his. A haze overcomes his features for a second before he masks it.
“Don’t worry, Sin, I never make the same mistake twice, unlike you.” The double meaning isn’t lost on me. Before the son of a bitch can get another lashing from me, Omar wakes.
“What the fuck?” the bastard snarls as he looks around the room, taking stock of all the strange faces in his home. When his gaze lands on me, his upper lip pulls back in a snarl. Kacey may be pissed at me but the protector in him takes over. He steps in front of me and shields me from Omar’s view.
“You don’t fucking look at her,” Kacey snarls. I roll my eyes and step out from behind him. He snaps his hand out and grabs my wrist. I look to his hold on me then back to him with a brow raised. “I got this,” he growls. I peel his fingers off me and shake my head.
“This is my show, it’s time you learned who I really am, Agent Vaughn,” I snap.
“You fucking rat. You will die,” Omar shouts at Kacey. Everyone ignores him. Havoc and Royal step away from our victim at my approach. Unlike Kacey who remains on my fucking ass, they know I can handle myself.
“I ask the questions, you answer and we make this as painless as possible. You lie or fuck me around and I start taking pieces of you, got it?” The cunt spits right in my face. Before I can recover, Kacey is pummeling his face with his fists. Romeo, Xavier and Benny rush forward and pull their friend back.
“You motherfucker. Do that to her again, you cunt, and I’ll kill you,” Kacey rages.