Page 10 of Slow Kind of Love
“She could be hesitant because of other reasons.”
“Like what?” he barked.
“Well, I don’t know. I’m just trying to see things from Elise’s viewpoint.”
“Whatever her reasons, it’s a load of rubbish. I know she feels something more than just a casual thing. We’re more than fuck buddies. Something about Elise makes me feel right, though I suppose it means nothing since she’s pulled back. Too bad.” A slow grin touched his face. “The sex was incredible.”
“Okay,” Poppy said, sticking out her tongue. “I’m not discussing your sex life with my mother-in-law. She chewed on her bottom lip. “I wonder…” At his quizzical look, she shrugged. “I’ve known you for a couple of years now, and you’ve been very, shall we say, social.”
Poppy nodded. “Like a butterfly. Flitting from flower to flower. Endless numbers of flowers.”
“That’s a lot of flitting.”
“I know.” She chuckled, though her laughter slowly faded. “But the thing is, you haven’t flitted in almost a year. Admit it, Link. Elise is why you don’t want to go home. She’s why you want to stay in Crystal Lake, and now…”
“Now what?” He didn’t bother to keep the bite of anger from his voice.
“Well, you’ve rolled over. You’ve given up the ghost. You’ve—”
“I get what you’re trying to say,” he interrupted.
“It’s not like you. If you want Elise, then win her over. If she’s that special to you, make her see it. Don’t give up. I know it’s a cliché thing to say, but life is too short. And it’s painful and trying and awful sometimes. But it can also be good and exciting and warm and…”
“Easy for you to say, mate. You’re with the love of your life.”
“I am.” Poppy reached up and kissed him on the cheek. “I think you could be too if you weren’t such a pussy.” She jumped back before he could do or say anything. “Fight for her, Link. Don’t leave it. Don’t wait for her to come to you, because it might not happen. And not because she doesn’t have strong feelings or that she doesn’t want to be with you. Maybe she’s scared. Maybe she’s spent most of her life being scared. Maybe you’re the one to make her see she doesn’t have to be anymore.” Poppy winked. “Maybe you need to play dirty.”
He yanked up his head. “What’s that?”
“I’m just saying that I heard from Sarah Grimes, who heard from Carol Fisher, who was, in fact, having lunch at the Blue Elephant yesterday, that you were there with some beautiful model and that she was all over you.”
“That’s a bunch of crap,” he retorted. “She’s my cousin, and she wasn’t all over me in that way. Rose likes to hug.”
“Well, I know that. And you know that. But Elise doesn’t.” Her eyes narrowed. “Elise was at the Blue Elephant, because Boone mentioned it. Did you guys talk?”
“I know where you’re going with this, Pops.” He shook his head. “She made it clear to me that we’re over...that I wasn’t anything other than a shag to get her over the hump from fresh widow to playing the field. She wants to be friends. Nothing more.”
“What happened at the Blue Elephant?”
His lips thinned. “She gave a small nod and walked by as if I was nothing to her.”
“Why’s that?” he asked, remembering the sting.
“Well, if Carol Fisher thought you were with some hot young thing, what do you think Elise thought? And if Elise truly didn’t give a damn, she would have walked over and said hello, don’t you think? On account of her wanting to be friends and all.”
“Who the hell knows? I stopped wondering at the ways a woman’s brain works a long time ago.”
“All I’m saying is that if Boone and I weren’t together and I still had a thing for him, and I just happened to run into him with some other woman, a woman who likes to hug, I would act as if he meant nothing to me too. It’s how I’d protect my heart.”
“None of it matters. I gave her an ultimatum. Told her I wanted more and that the ball was in her court, so to speak.”
“Well, that was dumb.”