Page 11 of Slow Kind of Love
“No,” Poppy said, moving closer to him. “You need to win her, Link. Stop playing by her rules. Stop waiting for life to happen.” She threw up her hands as if exasperated. “Tomorrow afternoon, we’ll be across the road at the park because of the fundraiser for the senior support center. It’s being run by the church, and there will be a lot of stuff going on. Winter games, competitions.” Her eyebrows rose dramatically. “You do still like games, don’t you?” She didn’t wait for him to answer. Instead, she breezed past him. “You should come.”
“Why’s that?”
“Because Elise will be there.” She grinned wickedly over her shoulder as she flipped the OPEN sign on her door. “You should bring your new dog and get him groomed. All proceeds go to the support center.” She turned to face him. “Oh, and don’t forget your cousin Rose.”
Poppy gave him a quick peck on the cheek and headed for her stockroom, leaving Link alone with an empty Gatorade and a head swirling with thoughts. He tossed the plastic bottle into the recycling bin and headed outside. He inserted his earbuds and ran a brutal pace all the way home. He pushed into his place, and spied Rose at the kitchen counter eating a bagel, the dog at her feet patiently waiting for something to drop.
“Where’d you go?”
“Went for a run.” He paused and cranked his head to the side as he considered Poppy’s invite.
“You look like you’re planning something,” Rose said, swiping at the crumbs on her chin.
“I am.”
“And what’s that?”
Screw it, he thought. Link was done playing by the rules, even if those rules had been put in place by himself. “Fancy a trip to town tomorrow?”