Page 76 of Fall
Ryan smiles at me and lowers to his knees so that we’re eye to eye. His voice is calm while he speaks, acting as if we’re having this discussion over coffee.
“You see, beloved, they may not be blood to each other, but they are blood to me. Dear ol’ Connie and Isaac have a naughty secret… me.”
He scowls, rising quickly to his feet, and walks over to Micah to punch him in the stomach over and over and once in the face for good measure.
“You’re just charity! That was supposed to be my life!” he yells at Micah.
Benji offers Ryan a dirty rag and Ryan wipes blood from his knuckles. He turns, straightening his spine, and walks to me, resuming his previous position.
Ryan stretches his neck, moving his head from side to side, and then rolls his shoulders. He leans in, and I’m assaulted by cheap cologne that makes me choke.
“I’ll give you one more chance. Kiss me, Evelyn, and I’ll let you go free. Let’s give him a show.” He winks at me and rips my t-shirt down the middle, exposing my bra. “God, you’re beautiful.”
He gropes my breasts, pinching my nipples through the thin fabric. Acid rises to my throat at the thought of Ryan kissing me, and I nearly gag. His large hands roughly cup my face, and he places his lips on mine.
Unfortunately for Ryan, this isn’t the first time someone has tried to kiss me against my will.Ventura Youth Correctional Facility taught me well.
I suck in Ryan’s lower lip and bite down as hard as I can, like it’s a piece of overcooked steak. I don’t let go until there’s a strong metallic taste flooding my mouth. As soon as I release him, I spit the blood out in his face before he stands.
I drop my chin and stare up directly into his eyes through my lashes, allowing my rage to surface. “You didn’t ask nicely,” I purr.
He raises a hand to strike me, but turns to Benji instead. Benji cracks his knuckles and starts beating on Micah once more. There’s blood streaming out of Micah’s nose, his eye is swelling shut, and there’s blood dribbling from his mouth. I watch in agony while Micah hunches over in pain, trying to protect himself.
He bleeds, I bleed.
I shout for Benji to stop and realize my mistake as soon as I do.Never show your weakness.
I close my eyes and recenter myself, telling my demons to take over and keep Micah safe. When I open them, Ryan is glaring at me, wiping blood from his mouth, but no matter how hard he tries, his lip won’t stop bleeding. He’s going to need stitches.
“Fine. If you want to be their unwanted gutter rat, who am I to argue? But you will apologize for your rudeness,” he says. “After all, I am a king.”
I cringe, “I wouldn’t recommend kissing with your lip like that.”
Ryan’s eyes are wild as his bloody grin stretches across his face. “Oh, no, Evelyn. I deserve much more than a simple kiss.”
My whole body goes rigid when he unzips his pants, reaches in, and pulls out his semi hard dick. He pumps it slowly, lightly grunting in pleasure, until it’s hard enough to stand on its own.
The enamel on my teeth feels like it’s going to crack by the force of how hard I’m clenching my jaw.
I did not survive the group home, Ventura, and the streets of New York just to be violated again. The memory of every violation plays on a movie reel in my mind. Wrath consumes me whole and the battle for my soul begins.
He must see the hostility burning in me and calls out to Randall. Randall chuckles and walks to Micah, raising a gun to his temple, and my heart bottoms out.
Ryan’s fingers grab onto my chin, forcing me to look at him.
“You will suck me dry in an apology or we see how many more lives your little boy toy has. Tell me, do you think he can survive a bullet to his brain?”
His angry red dick swells in his hand as he moves it closer to my face. I raise my chin, bite down on the acid that is now at the back of my mouth, and shut down all of my emotions.
If I don’t do this, Micah dies. If I do, I die. Or at least the girl I’ve been trying to become will.
“You are a dead man, Metson, a fucking dead man! There is nothing on this earth that will stop me,” Micah curses and struggles against his restraints.
I glide my eyes to the struggling Micah, and I subtly shake my head. He pushes his head against the gun at his temple.
“I’ll take the bullet.” His words are pleading and desperate.
“What’ll it be, gutter rat?” Ryan smirks, raising an eyebrow, pushing his dick closer to my lips.