Page 70 of Call Me Bunny
I hold the tiny drive up to the light, turning it in my fingers. Something tells me to hold onto it, to keep it safe. My gut doesn’t want to give it up, and I trust my gut. I slip it into the cell phone pocket of my leggings for safekeeping. Whether it’s financial data or blackmail material or something else, we’ll have it when we need it.
Chapter 31
I wish Bunny would throw that drive away already. It’s like she’s carrying around a tiny little failure, tucked neatly in her pocket as a reminder that I’m still not one hundred percent me. I don’t even remember what’s on the drive, let alone if it’s worth anything.
Every time I try to sneak into her pocket to steal it back, she catches me—another reminder of how pathetic I am now. I used to be a decent pickpocket … at least, I think I did.
The sleeping arrangements in the new place take some getting used to. Bunny won’t let us split up any more than is absolutely necessary, so she talks Kendrick into muscling two king-sized beds to the same room, side by side. Every night we collapse into a cuddle pile, with Bunny in the middle. Kendrick and Doc take the side by the door, while Neil and I sleep on her other side.
As far as other bedroom activities, Bunny still segregates us to an extent, but sometimes in the heat of the moment things happen. Kendrick and Doc have the decency to pretend to stay asleep if Bunny wakes me and Neil up during the night, and we do the same for them. Awkward as hell, but none of us have the heart to tell Bunny it’s not working out.
Until one night when Bunny wakes up both pairs of lovers at once …
“Bunny, hon, your hands are on both Neil’s cockandmine,” Kendrick says slowly, as if he’s afraid of insulting her for making that mistake.
“I know,” she purrs as she strokes them both. “I think it’s high time we all got along.”
Is that apprehension I hear in Doc’s voice, or hope?
Bunny nods and nuzzles my neck. “Mm-hmm. You see, Doc, I got to thinking after seeing that porn folder on Justin’s computer: We could all benefit from mixing things up a bit. You’re too dependent on me or Kendrick taking charge; you proved that much when you were separated from us. And Kendrick, you’ve gotten so sweet with Keys. It shows a softer side of you, something I think you should bring out more often.”
“And me?” Neil’s voice cracks as Bunny’s hand speeds up.
“You, my shy, sweet nerd, need to learn to open yourself to new experiences. You’ve pretty much only been with me and Keys. I think you’d have fun with Doc and Kendrick, and you might even learn something new.”
Neil grabs my hand like it’s a lifeline, gripping me tight. “But—the way you, Doc, and Kendrick do things …”
He gasps as Bunny’s hand toys with his Prince Albert, and she giggles.
“We don’t do that stuff every time. You should know that by now. Those are special cases. Times when I’m out of control, or Doc is. You and Keys don’t need that, so we won’t do that with you guys.”
Kendrick puts his hand over Bunny’s and stops her. “Bun, how exactly are the logistics of this going to work out? There are four of us, and you have, erm, limited points of entry.”
“Oh, Kendrick, baby, there aresomany options.” She winks at him. “Besides, you guys each have your own points of entry. I don’t have to be the only one taking it for the team. That’s what’s great about what you and Doc share, and Neil and Keys; you guys can entertain each other if all my points of entry are occupied.”
In the silence that follows, Bunny’s face falls.
“You guys don’t even wanna try?”
Poor Bunny. Here she is, wanting her family to get along and be together, and we’re being pansies about it.
“We can ease into it, right?” I ask, reaching over Neil and running a hand down Bunny’s thigh. “Maybe me and Neil on one side of you while Kendrick and Doc take the other?”
There it is: our girl’s smile. No matter howwemay feel about it,sheneeds this.
And that’s all that really matters.
Since I’ve been keeping some lube in the drawer on our side for nights when Bunny picks me and Neil, I pull the tube out and squirt some into my palm. I rub it on my cock, which is already hard from the possibilities. “C’mon, Neil,” I say as I slide my slick fingers in his ass. “We can do this. For Bunny.”
Neil’s Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows hard, but he nods and kisses me. Bunny squeals with excitement, and she scoots around in the bed until her mouth is positioned at Neil’s cock. “You guys are the best! You’ll see; this is gonna be great.” She looks back at Kendrick, who is fisting his own cock with a hungry expression on his face as Bunny’s ass hovers in front of him. “You two could be the best, too, if you join us.”
I think that little challenge tips the scales in Bunny’s favor. Kendrick grabs her hips and dives in, devouring her pussy. Bunny gasps with Neil’s dick halfway in her mouth. Doc licks a line up the Jacob’s ladder on Kendrick’s shaft, and that pretty much spells the end of any hesitation on their part.
While Bunny goes down on Neil, I continue fingering him until I’m sure he’s ready. Once I feel his muscles relax more, I ease inside him.