Page 71 of Call Me Bunny
Unless I’m wrong, this is a first for all of us. I’ve done some freaky shit in my day, but a five-way is new even for me. Maybe not for Doc. He’s seen some things, done some crazy stuff in exchange for drugs before Bunny and Kendrick got him clean. Even so, it’s got to be different when emotions are involved.
That’s the common denominator here, the thread linking us all: Our love for Bunny. If we can put our differences aside for her, this will all work out.
As orgies go, it’s a bit awkward. My hands meet Neil’s in Bunny’s hair, and when I move to stroke her breasts instead, I collide with Kendrick’s hands. Rather than move me aside, he laces his fingers in mine and holds me to Bunny’s chest as he moans into her cunt. I’m a little shocked, but I decide to just go with it.
Kendrick fucks Doc’s mouth while he eats out Bunny. Bunny deep throats Neil while I’m grinding his ass. The air is full of moans and gasps and the smell of arousal. It’s a daisy chain of sex, and somehow it works.
I hold out until Bunny screams her way through her first orgasm, and after that I’m a goner. Neil shudders and clenches around me, squeezing me so tight that I cry out as I come. Kendrick and Doc last a little longer, which doesn’t surprise me, but even they succumb after Kendrick licks Bunny through another climax.
The bed’s a mess. We’realla mess. A tiny hotel shower isn’t going to accommodate all five of us, no matter what Bunny might want. We split up and take separate showers, with Bunny taking one bathroom while Neil and I find another and, I assume, Kendrick and Doc take a third.
I take advantage of the alone time with Neil to make out with him a bit. He tastes like stale hotel coffee, and I vow to hook him up with some decent brew in the morning, even if I have to steal it from somewhere. No man of mine should have to settle for nasty expired instant coffee, no matter how dire our situation.
With that resolution in the forefront of my mind, I slip out of the hotel while Neil helps Kendrick change the bed sheets, making an excuse for leaving them. I want it to be a surprise, a nice little treat for my man. Hell, I’m in such a good mood, I might get some for the whole gang.
It’s a nice, warm day out, but I keep my hat on and my hands in my pockets as I walk to the nearest coffee shop. Better to make myself as small a target as possible, just in case.
I get to the coffee shop and encounter decision paralysis when I walk up to the display of fresh ground coffees. There are seasonal blends, custom blends, blends from countries I’ve never heard of, even options to blend your own blend. It’s too much for my squirrel brain to take in, so I spend a little time carefully reading the packages, one by one, in the hopes that one or two of these combinations speaks to me.
Since I’m so wrapped up in Coffeeland, I barely register the tinkle of the bell over the door as someone else enters the shop. I’m not committing petty larceny yet, so I don’t concern myself with them.
Until one of the new patrons jabs the barrel of a gun in my side.Thatgrabs my attention.
I freeze mid-sniff with a bag of coffee grounds in my face. Half my instincts scream at me to run, while the other half warns me not to move, or the hand with the gun will shoot.
Stupid squirrel brain can’t even decide how to survive.
“One move and your guts will paint that coffee display.”
Okay. Frozen it is.
“What do you want?” I ask, keeping my voice low. I don’t want to cause a scene because there are other patrons,actualpatrons, in here as well, just trying to buy their morning coffee. I can’t risk the gunman getting mad and spraying the place with bullets.
He moves closer, blocking the view of his gun from the other customers with his body. Then the sicko nuzzles my neck like a lover, I guess to keep up appearances.
“You’ve got access to some sensitive data on our boss. We’re going to work out an exchange. You're gonna retrieve the data from that hotel you’re squatting in—that’s right, we know where you’re hiding—and you’re going to bring it to the Cobra.”
Squirrel brain chooses this moment to get brave. “And if I don’t? If I just decide to sacrifice myself and let you shoot me?”
“Then your boyfriend and girlfriend will be just as dead as you.”
Damnit! The squirrel tucks its tail, and that’s the end of any resistance on my part. “Where should I bring the laptop?”
He rattles off an address in a fancy neighborhood, the penthouse suite of a high-end condo building. It figures the Cobra wouldn’t settle for anything less than the best when it comes to his own comfort.
“Fine. When do you need it by?”
“Have it there by noon,” he says, licking my ear before retreating and exiting the coffee shop.
I suppress the desire to gag. I never got a good look at the guy, but something about the exchange isn’t settling right in my stomach. I feel slightly violated.
Setting the coffee down, I duck my head and turn back towards the hotel. It’s still early, but noon doesn’t give me much time to sneak the laptop out of the hotel and hoof it across town. The sooner I get this over with, the better. Then I can get back to Bunny and Neil and …
… And what? Live with the guilt of stealing from them and lying about it? Not to mention the pesky little detail of convincing everyone to move to a new hideout now that Cobra’s pinned us, all while not letting them know why we have to ditch our current comfort zone.
Bunny greets me at the side door to the hotel with a huge grin. Someone’s happy she got laid last night.