Page 9 of Consumed By Desire
“Please, now let's get to the real question,”
“And that would be?”
“What you’re going to wear tonight?”
“Who said I’m going?”
“Ouu, I think that asymmetrical, one-shouldered black leather dress,” she asks, heading towards my closet like I didn’t say anything.
“Trin, I’m serious,” I try.
“You’re wasting time, go shower and shave or wax or something. You need to be as slick as a freshly waxed surfboard. Meanwhile, I will find you some options,” she says, pushing me towards the shower. I hit the smart switch to turn on my shower, and music begins playing Adina HowardFreak Like Me,and considering I am on my way to a BDSM club, it’s quite apropos. I shimmy out of my clothes as I head towards the hot water so I can get myself together for tonight. Tucking my hair in the waterproof bonnet, I slide in the shower so I can wash myself until I am clean, soft, and smelling good, but when I go to wash and shave my pussy I buckle from the sensations. All I need is a little pressure, and I will detonate instantly, but I do my best to wash and shave without making myself cum. Yeah, this isn’t going to work, I think. I am going to meet him tonight and tell him there is nothing between us and be done with it. I finish washing with that thought firmly in my mind. I am feeling confident when I wrap the warmed towel around my body before sliding my feet into my slippers and walk into my bedroom, and the confidence disappears like a puff of smoke.
“Trin! Where’s the rest of the clothes?”
“Sis, you’re going to a sex club. What are you expecting to wear?” I roll my eyes at her, but she does have a point.
“Okay, let me see which one I am going to step out in tonight,” I say, going through the outfits she’s picked.
“Now that’s what I’m talking about!” Trin says behind me as I assess my outfit in my full-length floor mirror, and I can’t help but agree with her.
“Okay, let me go. The car will be here any second,” I tell her as I grab my micro purse off of the bed and head towards the door.
“Don’t forget this,” Trinitee says, throwing the panty vibe up in the air and catching it.
“I am not wearing that,” I say as she continues to throw and catch the vibrator, and she simply raises her eyebrow at me.
“Fine,” I say snagging it in the air in mid-throw, walking off towards my bathroom.
“Hurry up! The car is here!” she yells, and I rush out of the bathroom, giving her a hug before dashing out to the elevator. When I get outside, there is a silver Maybach limo, and the driver is waiting to open the door for me. I settle into the seat, making sure I’m not flashing the driver, and enjoy the ride to Club Desire.
I check my watch again, anxious for Shannon to get here. A smile finds its way on my face as I think about her most likely fighting with herself about coming here tonight. I’ll admit our relationship is one of the weirdest things I never saw coming. After our kiss at the shower and our moment in the hallway at the reception, the attraction was beyond apparent, but to show up to her house drunk one night and end up in a relationship with her the next morning is still boggling my mind.
I have been extremely picky about the women I have been in a relationship with. My learning disability made me extremely gun shy with women. A lot of times, I have hidden my struggles, and who wants to be in a relationship with someone you can’t be one hundred percent yourself? But Shannon would look at my struggles as me trying to use them to get out of something and not an actual problem. Even though I have learned over the years to work with it, there are times that I still struggle.
Finally. I think when I see the car coming down the road, making a stop in front of me. I approach the door before the driver can park, opening it to see a beautiful brown thigh peaking out from her boots. I take her hand, helping her out of the car, and straight into my arms.
“Bella, I am not sure I want to let anyone look at you tonight. You look ravishing, and I love the fact that you wore something that offers me easy access,”
“I promise that wasn’t intentional,” she snaps.
“Even better,”
“Because even on a subconscious level, you dressed to please me.”
“Boy, please, are we going to stand out here on the sidewalk all night or go inside?”
“We’ll go inside in a second unless you’re cold. Are you cold, Bella?”
“Okay. So,” I say, walking up to her, placing my hand on her thigh, slowly siding it upwards as I look down into her eyes. “Did you wear your gift like I told you to?”