Page 61 of Love Unscripted
Alicia pulls the microphone under her chin, a frown creasing her brow. “Let’s back up a moment. You said you didn’t want to be on the show? How do you and Liam share a history? Did you date him in the past?”
I shake my head. There’s no going back now. I need to tell them everything, no matter how poorly it reflects on my character. If my heart bleeds on national TV, so be it. “I wrote an article for MA Times about Liam a year ago under the name Kat Smith. I thought I saw him take a girl home but was mistaken.” I hold up a hand. “I’ll get to that bit in a minute.”
I take another breath. “I attended the opening night of ‘Bride at First Sight’ as a sports journalist. I had removed my media tag. Then Liam spotted me and took a chance to prove how wrong I was about him. How he’s actually a decent guy who didn’t deserve to be smeared by my wrong assumptions.”
“Wow. But you went along with his selection. Why? That’s a huge commitment.” She laughs.
“I was put on the spot and did my best to get out of the situation, but my boss ultimately talked me into it. I promised Liam I would make him pay for choosing me on live national TV.”
“How did Liam respond to your threat?”
“He laughed. Uncontrollably.” I smirk at the memory of him huddled in the corner of the limousine, hands clutched to his stomach. “You see, he knew there was no dirt to find. The woman he took home that night was a close family friend. He was keeping her safe. My article hurt his reputation, but he let it go in order to protect his friend.”
“He sounds like a true gentleman. What was it like living with Liam for nearly three months?”
I touch my cheek and try to hide my goofy smile. “It was the best three months of my life. We argued. Kissed. And made up so many times—it was like we’d been married for years.” I tuck my hands under my chin. “What started off as a fake marriage between enemies, turned into something truly wonderful. Liam Ashley has changed my perspective of men. Well-known professional players in particular. I had him pegged as a man without integrity.”
Alicia leans forward. “So, where does this reporting scandal leave you and Liam now? Have you had a chance to discuss the situation?”
“That’s why I’m here. First to clear Liam’s name...” I turn and look intently into the camera lens. “And the second is to say to you, Liam Ashley, that I’ve learned the hard way. Lesson number three. You can be wrong about someone or something and it’s okay to admit you’re wrong. I’m sorry.” I steady my voice to keep the raw emotion out. “I loved every minute of being married to you. And I will always love you, Liam.” A lump forms in my throat. If I say anymore mushy mooch on national news, I’m going to end up in a heap of tears. I face Alicia and offer a small smile.
Alicia nods, her voice laced with empathy. "Wow. It sounds like you’ve been on quite the journey. Is there anything else you'd like to share with our viewers?"
I take a deep breath, and my heart expands with gratitude for this opportunity to make amends. "I want to express my sincerest apologies to Liam and to everyone who was affected by the misleading articles. I've learned the importance of journalistic integrity and the power our words hold. Moving forward, I'm committed to transparency and responsible reporting, ensuring that the truth always shines through."
As the camera switches off, a sense of relief comes over me. I’ve taken a step toward rebuilding trust with Liam. If he will accept my apology, that is.
A man in beige business pants and a buttoned-down shirt approaches us with determined strides.
Alicia touches my arm. “Oh, that’s Daryl, coming our way.”
I swipe moisture from under my eyes and rise to my feet.
Daryl cups my hand and shakes enthusiastically. “A pleasure to meet the famous Trina Smith. I’m a big fan of the show.”
Alicia gives us a formal introduction and we take our seats at the picnic table. Daryl gestures to the camera guy. “Show me the interview. Let’s make sure we’ve got everything we need.”
Daryl studies the playback screen, smiling and nodding along. “Love this. It’s perfect.”
He turns to me, and the creases around his eyes relax. “I like the way you handled the situation, Trina. You’ve explained that you were out of communication with the newspaper, so they ran with the article, reflecting your strained relationship.” He touches my hand. “But you know they’ve used you, right? They tainted your reputation right along with Liam’s.” He shakes his head. “You’re not going to keep working for them, are you?”
I nibble on a fingernail. He’s right. The last article makes Trina Smith look like a heartless cow. My journal videos were accurate. I shared my feelings about Liam and my struggle with falling in love with him. It was all true.
“No. I won’t be working for them anymore.” Mike wouldn’t have me back anyway, and I’m furious at how he let those exaggerated articles go to print without a word to me.
“Fantastic news, because I have an offer for you.” Daryl’s grin widens.
I gape at him. “You do?”
He squeezes my hand and lets go. “You have a great personality for TV. I’ve been watching the show. I admit, my wife and I are totally addicted. We’ve been voting for you and Liam. When I found out you’re a sports journalist, my mind went racing. You’d be perfect for our sports news department. Live interviews at the games. Same as you’ve been doing, but in front of the cameras and triple the paycheck.”
I gasp and slap a hand over my mouth. “Seriously? You’re offering me a job at CNN?” This is the pinnacle of sports journalism elitism.
“Sure am. What do you say?” He spreads his arms.
I hug Daryl’s neck. “Yes!”
We laugh together, and Alicia and the cameraman join in.