Page 62 of Love Unscripted
I pull back and touch my cheeks. “I can’t believe this is happening. Thank you, Daryl. This is wonderful news.” My smile fades. “Good news for my career, despite my marriage falling apart on national TV.”
He pats my hand. “It’s not over yet. How are you going to get Liam to watch tonight’s broadcast?”
I sit up taller. “You’re going to air it tonight?”
“For sure.”
I nod slowly. “I know exactly who to call to make sure he’s watching.”
Chapter 19
I’ve never had a worse practice in my life. I missed over a dozen shots, and my running times were absolute garbage. All because of Trina. I groan and drop onto the bleachers.
Tandy races past, dribbling the ball like there’s no tomorrow. The only time the man has any rhythm is on the court. He whistles and shoots the ball toward the net. It swooshes in and he jogs backward, shooting air pistols.
Cool drops onto the bench beside me and wraps a towel around his neck. He doesn’t say anything. None of them do. They’ve treated today’s practice like any other.
I could hug every last one of them. Sadly, not talking has made it all worse.
Coach comes out of his office and blows his whistle, motioning for us to join him.
Grabbing a towel, I shuffle along behind my teammates.
Coach meets my eyes, and I swear his anger and sadness combine before reaching out to zap me. He scans the team and chomps on his gum. “Meeting tonight at six. I want you all there. We need all hands on deck to figure out a strategy for dealing with the press. Liam’s reputation is on the line.”
He doesn’t sayagain,but I cringe anyway. Why do these things keep happening to me? I’m sick of it.
“I expect all of you to bring it in. You’re a team, and you will act like it on and off the court.” Coach angles a finger at each of us in turn. “Right?”
“Yes, sir,” we all call back in unison.
I run the towel over my face and neck. I can’t wait to hop in the shower. Normally I’d be anxious to get home and see Trina. What do I have waiting for me now? I can’t face that empty house. Even worse would be going home and finding Trina still there.
Cool slings his long arm over my shoulders and rocks me back and forth. “Chin up, man. We got this.”