Page 40 of Caged Beauty
I take the knife out of its holder, the stainless steel blade making me feel a little safer. I chop the carrots, celery, and potatoes, putting them all in a pot. All the while, Vance watches me, his deep blue eyes following me around like he’s studying me.
After putting the water into the pot, I turn to put it on the stove. Looking behind me, I see Vance on his phone, a tattoo showing on his wrist.
“You like it?” He winks at me, and I nearly gag.
I look at it again and realize it’s not a tattoo but a brand. It looks like it was burned into his skin.
“Dante is a stupid man,” Vance says, catching me off guard.
“What?” I turn, a chill running down my spine as he produces a gun.
“Leaving me with his precious wife.” He checks the chamber before cocking it.
I reach for the knife.
“Nope. Don’t move.” He points the gun at me, and fear grips me by the throat with the need to scream for help.
“Say one word, sweetheart, and see what will happen.” He motions me to back up toward the other door in the kitchen, which leads outside.
“Keep walking,” he says.
My eyes dart everywhere looking for a way to escape. I’m not sure if any of Dante’s men are in the house or if they’re within hearing distance. My back is against the door, and Vance is staring me down, his gun pointing at my chest. My heart is beating so fast I can hear it in my ears.
I look to my left and see a vase with some flowers in it. Quickly, I pick up the vase and chuck it at him. It breaks over his face, the water splashing everywhere. He shouts in surprise and anger as I run past him. But just as I’m about to exit the kitchen and run out the front door, Vance grabs me from behind by my hair and tosses me across the room.
My head smacks against the wood floor as I fall, but I pay the pain no mind as I push myself up, only to be smacked again.
“What the fuck is wrong with you? You stupid girl,” he says through clenched teeth.
He grips my hair hard, the pain ripping through my skull. He pulls my head back and hisses next to my ear with the gun pressed against my chin, “I hope to fucking God the Donnelleys let me kill you for that.”
He pushes me forward and opens the door just as Mateo and another man pop up. Vance spins around, and shots ring out. He shoots at them, and they shoot back at him. I can’t run. His hand still grips my hair. Shutting the door, we run into the woods that line the mansion, where a car is waiting.
Another man pops up, red head and bright blue eyes, and opens the back door.
“Get the tape and tie this bitch up!” Vance spits and pushes me into the back seat, where another giant mountain of a man is waiting.
My fists and legs fly, adrenaline high as I try to escape. A few grunts ring out, which pisses them off more. Duct tape is placed over my mouth as my hands are tied behind my back, and then the world goes dark as a bag is placed over my head.
My body shakes as fear takes over, not only for myself but for Dante. Vance is clearly not one of them. This meeting was doomed to fail. He’s in danger, and I can’t get to him to warn him.
I can’t fathom a world without Dante, and the thought that he might not make it has me screaming behind the tape.
Then, something hits me at the back of my head, and the world goes dark.
Chapter 18
Theysaythereisno honor among thieves. Well, between mob bosses, no one is stupid enough to come alone. Three cars sit outside the abandoned empty mill house. You can’t see into them through the tinted glass, but I know they’re in there.
One of the cars blinks its lights, and we blink back.
Everyone gets out of their cars. I count the number of people they have.
Nine, including Finn and Cian Donnelley.