Page 41 of Caged Beauty
The two giant Irishmen are wearing blue suits with guns tucked into their belts. Their faces are pictures of menace. Finn’s beard covers a large scar across his cheek, courtesy of one of the bosses in town several years ago when they first stepped into town. It was a stupid attempt to get them to leave, but instead, he took over McMillian’s territory, and it has been a pain ever since.
Most of us get along for the most part. We’re not into drama, but these brothers live for it. They don’t give a shit what ends up in the paper. If they make a mistake, they think they can paper over it with a few more. Some of us weren’t bothered or even noticed. But those who do hate them.
I smooth down my black suit and rub my ring finger, the gold band of my wedding ring settling me.
I have no idea how this day will end, but I will fight to the bitter end.
For Serenity.
This is her safety, her freedom at stake. She was brought into a fight she didn’t deserve, one I’ve been deep into since it started, so now we finish it.
Everyone stays beside their cars as the Donnelleys and I head inside. This mill house hasn’t been used in decades. The wood floors creak under us as we walk into the center, where there is a hole in the roof, revealing a spotlight on the floor from the bright moon.
“You called?” Finn says, his deep voice ringing through the building.
“Technically, you’re the ones that called.” I keep my voice calm and unfeeling, even putting my hands in my pockets.
“Oh, come on. The shagger missed. What’s the big deal? Surely you saw this coming, Salvatore. This was destiny.” Cian raises his hands like he’s showing me the world I missed.
“The big deal is you went after something that’s mine. You walked into my casino, my territory, and shot at my wife.” My fists ball in my pockets. “And why? Because her dad fucked your wife? How is that her problem?”
The mention of Brockman screwing Cian’s wife sets him off, and his face contorts into anger. His older brother holds him back, telling him to calm down.
“It’s about honor, and you know it,” Finn says. “It’s about an eye for an eye. Or a wife for a wife.”
Finn looks behind me as Vance walks in with Serenity, duct tape over her face, eyes wide with fear.
“What the fuck is this?” I growl, ready to pull my gun, but then I notice Vance has a gun pointed at Serenity’s head.
“Don’t be stupid, Salvatore,” Vance says mockingly, and I want to rip his vocal cords out.
“You’re going to kill a girl over your cheating wife?” I turn to face the Donnelleys.
“Don’t judge me, Salvatore. You and I both know you’re just as bad. Or are you going to tell me that you haven’t killed for less?” Vance’s grip on her jaw has her head tipped far back, but I can still see her face. She’s terrified, and I hate that.
“I’ve never killed a woman,” I hiss, and he shrugs like he doesn’t care about how low you can go.
Vance and Serenity circle me until they’re next to the brothers. She shakes, and tears stream down her eyes.
“It’s okay, baby,” I murmur.
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep, Salvatore. After all, you don’t want to come off as a liar, do you?” Vance says.
“Shut up!” Finn shouts.
Something tells me Vance is as much of a pain to them as he was to me. I knew there was something off about him, but I was so focused on Brockman that I didn’t look into it as well as I should have.
“Game’s over, Salvatore. You said you had Brockman. Give him to me, and I’ll give you back your precious wife.” He runs his finger over her cheek, and rage runs through me like a bullet train.
Get your fucking hands off of her—is what I want to say, but getting emotional is what gets you killed, so I stay silent.
I take my phone and hold it up to my ear. The ringing goes on until Rico picks it up.
“Bring Brockman in.”
“Yes, sir.”
He hangs up, and I tell the brothers he’s coming in.