Page 151 of Secret Vendettay
And why is it ajar?
I quickly glanced around the closet one more time and picked up the largest cologne bottle in Hunter’s collection to use as a weapon to defend myself. Then, very slowly, I pulled the door open.
“There has to be something else you want,” Franco pleaded. “You want me to give you evidence that can put some criminals away? I’ll get that for you. We can work this out, man.”
I never pegged Franco as a crier. Interesting.
“What do you think hurts more? A knife? Or a handsaw?” I wondered aloud, staring at my board of toys. “I’m thinking a saw,” I said, picking it up. “Although I don’t really know for sure. Maybe you can compare. Tell me.”
His bloody lips tightened.
“You’ll rot in prison for the rest of your life!” Franco’s words came out in a rush as I brought the blade to the back of his ankle. He tried to thrash around, to knock me out of alignment, but I had his legs firmly taped to the chair. His torso, his arms bound behind his back, just as he had done to Luna.
“I don’t know how much blood this will draw,” I mused. “But I do know that you can’t run once I cut your Achilles heel.”
“Wait!” His voice cracked into tears. “That chick you rescued—I’m not the only one after her.”
“I know that, you piece of shit. But once you’re dead, I’ll hang what’s left of your body in public sight, so your army of hit men knows they won’t get paid. Hit men don’t work for free.”
“That’s not what I mean! Some dude hired me to take her out.”
I smirked. “It’s pathetic, the lies people come up with to try to save themselves. You’ve been threatening Luna because of evidence you thought Dominic had. Not because some unnamed guy hired you to do it. Next time you want to change your story, try coming up with something more believable.”
“I’m not lying! Iwastrying to find Luna and what evidence she had against me. But then this dude showed up when he learned I was trying to go after her.”
“How convenient.”
“The dude was, like, really upset about a case she was reopening or something. He said he couldn’t allow that to happen, so he gave me money to makesureI took her out, because he didn’t think some letter did the trick.”
“That’s why I put the bounty on her head—I’d share the guy’s money with whoever got to her first. I was gonna…”
Based on the widening of his eyes, he was about to say he was going to kill her anyway, so why not take the payout? But clearly, he realized that saying this to a man who was torturing him for hurting said woman was an unwise move.
“Anyway, I figured, you know, we have mutual interests or whatever, so I took his money. But if you kill me? That dude is still out there. And if he knows how to get in touch with people like me, he’ll just hire other people to do the job.
“So, if you want to take the head of the snake off? You got the wrong snake.”
I ground my teeth. I didn’t want to believe him—what were the odds someone else was still out there, hunting Luna?
Who was I kidding? Luna was a murder magnet. The odds were very fucking high.
Still, Franco could be trying to play me.
But how did Franco know about the threatening letter sent to Luna? The one my PI couldn’t track its source. The one who wanted her father’s case dropped. Outside of the police, there were only three people who knew about that letter: me, Luna, and Barry.
Franco Hopkins was going to start talking. Fast.
I’d find out if he was lying, and if he wasn’t, I’d get to the bottom of who sent that letter and find out why they were prepared to kill Luna just to end her quest to reopen her father’s case.